Ridden Hard & Put Away Wet

Start from the beginning

I felt crazy.

I was also nervous about the tour, I wasn't sure how well it would be received.

A rapper and country singer on the same tour but somehow separate?

Did it even make sense?

I had heard of punk and rock bands touring with rappers.

I'm sure the Anger Management Your was a mixture.

Mixed genre tours weren't exactly new.

And neither was country rap - which was also a thing.

So why was I worried?

Was it the judgement?

Or the fact that I hadn't been on a tour in a few years?

Or maybe it wasn't even the tour itself, maybe it was circling back to Marshall.

The fact that we will be in close proximity at all times.

Here in Detroit and Nashville we can be ourselves and live our own lives, but on your, surrounded by everyone constantly.

We wouldn't have much chance to deviate outside of the "relationship"

We have to play a loved up engaged couple full-time, not just for the cameras, but for the staff, crew, guests and friends we run into.

I sigh deeply As I bring my hand up and stare at the fraudulent engagement ring that was on my wrong finger and sit up, watching as it As it caught the light, flawlessly sparkled in the daylight that snuck through the curtains of my bedroom.

Much like Marshall blue eyes did when he laughed.

I blinked looking away and into the floor-length mirror, catching a glimpse of myself just sitting there staring.


I stood up abruptly, heading towards the ensuite.

I had procrastinated enough, it was time to start moving.


I walk into the kitchen placing my purse down on the island bench.

I'm startled when a set of handS cover my eyes.

"Guess who?"

"Some poor son of a gun about to be high pitched?"

I hear him chuckle as he drops his hands as I turn to face him "Damn Harley Quinn, way to ruin the game"

"I'm from the south Mr Mathers, we are taught to shoot first ask questions later" I say with a laugh, sitting on the stool next to us.

He shrugs still grinning "I got home earlier than anticipated, the girls have gone to Kim's for the weekend, so I had time to cook something for us"

Normally a kind gesture would be appreciated, but this time I was struck by anxiety.

"Oh Marshall, you shouldn't have"

"I know, me lady, please feast your eyes on" he said as he gestured to the counter behind him with a weird twang to his tone"Mexican A La Marshall"

"What was that?"

"My southern gentleman accent"

"It was far from it" I giggled, as he faked offence, nose in the air as he picked up a plate and loaded one full of food then placed it in front of me.

"You flatter me so much, Harley Quinn"

"If you want to nail a southern gentleman, whatever you do, don't ask Beau"

Marshall rolls his eyes as he takes a seat next to me "I believe that's who I'll ask if I want my car worked over with a Louisville slugger"

I smile and shake my head at him as I look down at the mountain of food in front of me, I started my routine of pick eating and moving it around the plate to make it look eaten.

"Why Mexican?"

"It's my favourite" he shrugged nonchalant "That and it reminds me of the dope night we had in Nashville"

"Yeah, it was great huh? I must say, I haven't had a good time like that in my own city in a long time"

We sat talking about our day as I continued to push my food around my plate, taking small bites, feeling guilty because it actually smelt and tasted incredibly delicious.

I pushed the plate away "I am as stuffed as a possum that broke into a sweets bakery"

Marshall stands up quietly grabbing my hand.

As I look up at him he smirks mischievously "Got room for dessert?"

"I mean I ate a pretty big lunch" Confused I don't know what to do, so I stand up, following his lead, ending up in his bedroom "Why, what do you have prepared?"

"I've been dying all day for something more... southern and Sweet," He said as he bit his lip, pulling me closer and kissing the side of my jaw.

His free hand slipped up the back of the dress I was wearing, and I feel his hand pull at the zipper, I stood as it dropped to my feet.

I feel the formulae heat spread across m body as he moves towards me, the back of my knees hitting the side of his bed making me fall backward onto the soft mattress.

A giddy feeling filling my belly and the tickle of anticipation taking over. As his hot warm hands slid up the sided of my body as he clubs over me, stopping on top.

God have mercy.

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