Chapter 13

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Flashback to chapter 12~

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Flashback to chapter 12~

He clear his throat and grab the paper that look like my contract " like I was saying you are here for a reason and it's not here to discuss when I was a little boy" he said looking at me " yes I understand" I said not willing to look at him we had a lot of accidents that had happened today I don't know if you know this but I really care about my your safety here.

I don't know if you read your contract on page b2 under safety. Whenever I feel like you are threatened, endangered, hazarded, imperiled, or even endangered, I have the right to fire you or to make you stop working for a while until the danger has stopped.

And we both know that not what we need so the best option for me is putting you somewhere safe for now." he took a deep breath before continuing "and what I think is the best place to stay is not" Matteo -I mean Mr. Giffin was stuttering.

"My point is I think you should be better off in my house. my man is Around the Clock 24/7 working in my personal office that I have and when I need you can come back to the office" it took a minute for me to realize what he just said.

"Your house"

Chapter 13

-Three day erary-

~matteo pov~

"Sir should we continue or-" "continue." That was the second time I was thinking about her in a meeting . When I am not in a meeting I'm thinking about many ways I could bend her over .

(I really need to stop before this becomes a habit) "sir" said one of the guys ( nick brother). Every eyes are on him now  "Yes," I said , raising my eyes.

"What happened to Nick?"  he said. I could tell he wanted to smile.

"He was in a bad accident  but The doctor said he suffered Little to nothing major scores". It was very hard for me to not smile right now.

"Are you going to have to replace him?"He said, giving me a questionable look.

"I don't think this is none of your business but if I have to yes he said, giving me a questionable look.

I don't think this is none of your business but if I have to yes" I said not letting my eyes  go to him. " Nobody said he's going to fire Nick ''

I let my eyes glance over the room to see who was talking. She had on a very tight skirt and a shirt that I saw so much cleavage.

That could have been a dress code. Her body was formed like a ballerina ,slim but Federal.

When she saw that I was looking at her she blushed.

" What's your name?" I said move my head towards her "bibi sir" she said smiling. " talk when you need to," I said without any care in the world.

her smile faded like I said something bad " should we continue to get over with this nonsense" I said and everybody nodded .

" OK let's go back to business"

60 minutes

After the meeting i Decided to walk by nick office and they gave me an idea.

(she may or may not like this idea) "call bibi down to my office" i said nodding my hand to one of my bodyguards.

After a few minutes  the door to my office slowly opens.

"Sir" she said walking in with her chest out. I plan to go to the chair was facing me. She hesitated for a minute but she caved in and walked towards where the chair is.

She sat down and her focus was only on me like she was reading me. ''Do you know why I called you in here" She shook her head.

"Do you know Nick's old office? I was wondering if you would like to design it" I said , giving her a serious look. She only gave me a questionable look like I'm lying or something.

It's a yes or a no i don't have all day" she opened her mouth to speak " it would be on an Honor sir."

" you can start right now make it girly girl or whatever y'all women like these days" she shook her head

." I will send you the money and get a little extra for yourself" she got up to walk out of the door but before she could've walked out of the door I called out her name

" you better impress me" she bit her lips and closed the door Before closing the door .

" And if I do it well can I have an extra surprise?" she said, biting her lips and making sure I saw the movement of her lips.

I gave her a devilish  smile " if I see you done well maybe" she smiled and opened the door and left .

(God I love my job)

Two days later

After working in silence, someone appeared at my door. Then a knock .I'll put down my glasses that I use for reading and place it down on my table. " Come in,"

I said, trying to figure out who in their right mind would peek through my door before knocking."Bibi, she had an even tighter dress on then she had two days ago.

" I hope I wasn't interrupting you" she said, biting her lips to the point where her lips were even red then her lipstick.

"no I wasn't doing anything  important" I said giving her a fake smile. She walked closer and moved her hand lol he threw out the desk.

Until she reads my shoulders "I can do something to help" I let my eyes leave over cleavage

" what do you have in mind?" I said giving her a curious look "my mouth is kind of dry" she said looking down at my parents.

before I could even say anything she went down on her knees and started to unbuckle my pants "wow it's bigger than I thought" he said putting down my parents.

all of a sudden there was a head peeking through the little gap on the door.


 This can't be happening

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This can't be happening

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I want to give thanks to everybody who helped me with this book and thank you guys for all and Thank you guys for taking the time out to read my All the support you have sent my way are appreciated! I am grateful to have you in my life.

Your words have encouraged me to write even more it made me happy to see you guys liking my book knowing that I doing something good makes me feel good I hope you are having a great day thank you


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