Chapter 4

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howd u get my number??? -

- Did you get back home safe?

He just totally avoided my question! He ignored it just like that?! I was starting to think that maybe I had given my number to him back at my house, but that wouldn't make any sense considering I don't remember handing it to him??

I got home safely thank you for asking. I had a great time -

I was at the doorway of my room, jumping onto my bed and glancing at the time that was displayed on the bright screen. Roughly 5 am. And I haven't gotten a single bit of sleep even once.

Continuing to text him would mean losing sleep. So of course I did the rational thing. My finger flicked the button and silenced the phone, stopping myself from getting distracted.

Opening the drawer, I got my clothes and headed to the bathroom that the three of us shared. Those three being me, Abby, and my mother of course. Pulling the knob, I waited for the water to finally get hot.

Stepping into the shower, questions and thoughts flooded into my mind. He was all that was on my mind. Like how he got my number and how I'm not the most attractive person ever. I have long black hair and hazel eyes, like come on. To be fair, I guess beauty's kinda subjective though.

Whatever. I need to stop fantasizing about things that never will happen and never can happen. I throw myself at people who aren't looking for a lover, and yet at the same time I've never even been in a relationship before.

Sighing, I turned the water off and stepped out, drying myself and then wrapping the towel around my body. It was a longer shower than usual, but I really needed it after going to the club and everything running through my brain..

I walked into my room exhausted and took my phone that I had tossed carelessly on my bed and plugged it into the charger, setting the phone down on the nightstand.

I should call my manager when I wake up and ask for a day off. I know it's gonna be a busy day today, and I'm not feeling up to deal with it. Besides, Abby still has to talk to me about what happened today with that dude.

Matteo's POV.

Earlier that night

I was in my office dealing with all the paperwork that was piled all up on my desk. My ears perked up when I heard the ring from the phone that was next to my lamp. As my gaze turned to see the number, I quickly noticed it was from one of the club managers. That's odd.

Considering the power I have, I own most of the casinos and clubs in the district. Normally, no one ever calls. And the only time I do get a call, it's from the manager crawling on their hands and knees to whine and rat about some peasant who tried to get in free.

* The hell do you want? You know better than to call me while I'm working.

Someone got into the system. I don't know how they did it, the system's near impossible to crack. *

* What did they get out of it?

How the hell did anyone, no less this mystery person, get into the system? It's difficult for even the damn person who MADE the fucking system.

However, we did find out that the pastes were sent to an address near one of your clubs. We were able to find out who occupies the specific apartment and it's apparently two girls and a woman. One of the girls will be coming to the club, whether the other one will also be coming is unknown but we'll figure it out and tell you as soon as possible. The day they'll be coming is going to be either tonight or tomorrow. Would you like us to bring them to you or wait for them to come on their own? *

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