"I can do this," she says as she pushes the door open. Inside men and women dressed in masks danced on the floor and drank while they chatted.

"Oh! There she is! My darling daughter!" Y/n looks to see her mother calling her over. Her mask was bright with peacock feathers. She knew it was all for show. Beneath was the cold woman who never took the time to understand her. "Come over! There's someone I want you to meet!"

Hesitantly she approaches to see her standing with two men both with mask. One with red and white matching his hair. The other a teal mask with white decals. "Y/n these are two fine gentlemen that I've been speaking with. This is Shoto, Prince of Karreta and Prince Izuku of kamikaza.

"He-hello princess y/n!" The anxious one with the teal masks bows. She assumes that's Izuku.

"It is an honor princess." The one with the two toned hair kneels before her and kisses her hand. Y/n feels the heat rise to her cheeks. Suddenly she too hot. She needs to get out.

Gently she pulls her hand away. "I'm so sorry but I really need a drink." With that she lifts her dress and runs away leaving her mother scowling with two very confused princes.

She doesn't know where she needs to go but it as to be away from here. She pushes open the doors to the balcony and runs down the stairs to the garden. She runs through the hedge maze till she finds the gazebo she's too familiar with. This has always been where she goes to hide from her family. The maze is so large, they could never find where she was, but she knew the way. She knew this maze like her own skin.

The white concrete comes into her view. She sees someone else. It was young man. He had blonde hair and broad shoulders. He wore a mask fiery feathers, resembling a Phoenix.

"Oi! Girl!," he yells as he storms towards y/n.

'Oh no he saw me!' Y/n thinks to herself. She turns her back fast around the corner.

"Wait!," he yells after her. As he rounds the corner he sees the tail of her dress turn left down the next corner. "Stop running damn it!," he hollers behind her.

When he turns the corner behind her, she's nowhere to be seen. "God damn it!," he stomps his foot as he yells.

"What do you want?" He spins around to see her head peaking out behind the hedge. Parts of her h/c hair rest on the sides of her mask. The pins slipping from her running.

"Why did you run away?!," he yells.

"Why did I run away?! Wouldn't you run away if you saw some man screaming and storming towards you!," she spits back.

"No I wouldn't. Unlike you, I'm not scared of a challenge. I always come out on top!"

"That's quite arrogant of you."

"Excuse me?! What did you say?!," he bellows at her. She watches as his shoulders heave with his anger.

"Don't you think it's rather arrogant for you to believe that their is no one stronger than you?"

"Not if it's true! I've worked too hard for it not to be true."

"But arrogance is what gets you killed. Ignorance is what causes war. You can't live expecting that there is no one stronger. It can start out that way, but it can grow. People can grow. Countries can grow! All of this war is because of that same mindset! Do you know how many soldiers have died already? I was in town this week and I saw children- ", y/n covers her mouth to prevent the escape of the sob in her throat. "- so many of them on the streets. Homeless and starving. With no home to go to. Its devastating.

The man watches her silently. He doesn't respond because he knows she's right. This war has already caused so many people to have perished. Even in his homeland, men were being shipped off to war like cattle.

"Will you just help me find the way out," he gruffs.

Y/n looks back at him with glassy eyes, but she can't help the snort that escapes.

"Oi! Don't laugh!"

"I'm sorry!," she laughs out through panted breaths. "You just went on this whole rant about you being the best, yet here you are lost in a hedge maze. She covers her mouth to prevent another laugh spill.

"This maze is too damn big! Who even wants something like this!," he yells frustratedly.

"Come on," she turns the corner without him but she can hear the quick shuffle of his feet behind her to let her know he's there.

"So... wanna tell me how you got lost?," she asks the man.

"First of all I wasn't lost! I just got confused! I don't like all those damn crowds with music. I wanted somewhere to stay till this shitty ball to end."

"You don't... want to be here?"

"Absolutely not. I'm only here because the parents said it's time for me to find a wife. Get ready to take my place as king. I don't need a shitty woman as a queen to be the best king! But apparently the Princess of Edinburough was of age. Next thing I know I'm on a boat for 4 days and well here we are."

"I don't want to be here either. My parents also made me come. They said I must find a suitable suitor. But I don't want to get married to some man I just met. I want to know real love. I want to find it on my own."

"Well... seems like we have some shit parents."

As crude as it was, she felt his words in her soul. That was the first time anyone told her they know what she's going through. Really going through.

"By the way, I didn't get your name kid."

"What?", y/n stops as the reach the exit to the maze.

"I said what's your name."

"Oh! It's- " y/n is cut off by the sounds of royal horns music for the royal address she must attend. "I'm so sorry! I have to go! Goodbye!"

He reaches out to grab her arm to stop her but she slips through his grasp. Running up the stairs , slipping back into the ball, gone like she was a last breath. Which is what he felt like he lost.

His chest was tight. Why did he want to talk to her more? Why did he want to know what made her so scarred? Why did he want to know her name?

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