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Lea is very patient and caring in attending my wounds.

She clothed me and help me to eat my breakfast.

Deep scratches around my faces is still visible even if I cover them with make ups. You will notice them if you look at them closely.

Currently I am at the garden together with Lea planning for my escape as she promised that she will help me.

Lea said that we can't go to the police because Tristan has the control over them that they will not even spare me a glace if they know I am going to report Tristan Miller.

What we are planning is that to help  Lucca escape in the warehouse and we are going to live in another country away from Tristan.

I am going to use all my savings in starting our new life. I know my family will never agree with my plan so Im not expecting any help from them.

We agreed to meet again tomorrow here in the garden for the finalization of our plan.


I am eating silently together with Tristan here in the long dinning table and thankfully he didn't noticed my scratches all over my face.

Make ups are very helpful in times of this.

We didn't talk much as I went to bedroom to have a hot shower and at the same to cover up my deep scratches with make ups.

Sleeping with him naked still disgusted me and I am praying that he will not do anything again to me.

Even I feel nauseated looking at the love marks Tristan put around my body, I just leave it there to prevent him from suspecting anything.

I opened the bathroom door as Tristan face greeted me. He travel his gaze around my naked body with satisfied smirk in his face.

"Good girl princess" He whispered seductively. I stand rigidly not daring to move not wanting to be touch by him again.

He move his face closer to my neck and inhaled me.

"Wait, what the hell happened to this?" He question looking at the back of my neck.

D*mn I forgot that I also clawed at the back of my neck!

"I-- I s---" I spoke shattering not knowing what to say.

Fear embraced me as I didn't expect that he will notice it.


He hold me firmly in both shoulder and carefully inspect my body and I could see in his eyes that his suspicious was right with unreadable enrage.

He drag me inside the bathroom and scrab me with soap removing all the make ups around my body. His hand is everywhere my body but I prevent my self  not to whimper because my scratches is still painful.

He just stared my body in disbelieve after the make up are all removed.

"Who did this to you?" He asked me back to his cold tone.

I didn't dare to speak not knowing what to say.

"I asked you Amerie!" This time he shouted at me desperately like he will ready to kill whoever did this to me.

I was not expecting that he will care that much to me after doing all the bad things to me.

"I-i did this to myself l" I spoke in low tone already finding my voice.

"You dare to hurt yourself!?" He screamed and suddenly laugh darkly like a mad man.

"Let me get this straight to you" he paused calmly

Forced to be his WifeWhere stories live. Discover now