Bunny Hold Me Please

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A/N: This will be an angst and fluff story as I need to write more of those types of stories.

Any image, gif or music used here doesn't belong to me and rightful owners should be credited. 

Now on with this story:


Your POV:

I fiddle with my keys to try to enter into my house, but I'm in a rut as I keep dropping them to the floor. In frustration, I brush my hair back as I lift my head up to sigh before going down to pick up my keys and try again.

I struggle again as my tears blocked my sight and I had no choice but to sacrifice them. I let them cascade down, as I try to insert my keys.

The door finally opens and I go inside to end this tiring and disappointing day.

I don't have the appetite to eat anything as I've only felt myself going up to my room and changing into more comfortable PJs before landing on my stuffed bunny, Tattoo.

And the reason why I call him that is because I got a coverup tattoo on my ex's-name that was based on an Urban Legend from China about a former goddess who ingested an immortal exilir stolen by her husband, and she went up to the moon with the magical Jade rabbit and lived there forever.

And to add more context to say how the Jade Rabbit came to be, the Jade Emperor was looking for a noble animal to take on the role to create these immortal exilirs and so he tested a fox, a monkey and a rabbit to bring him food to eat when he disguised himself as a beggar. So the monkey gave him fruits, the fox gave him fish while the rabbit sacrificed himself because he couldn't find anything. Before that poor rabbit could the emperor stopped him and gave him the knowledge and power of immortality and how to make their exilirs.

That myth helped me cope through my break up as I related to the woman who had to be the bigger person to leave as my boyfriend dumped me. And I have just ghosted him and he never said anything back.

The day I saw Tattoo was right when I passed by a garbage can on my way home, but I stopped.

And I saw him sitting right below it stained and dirtied with grey splotches on his face and body.

What grabbed my attention first were his eyes. Although they looked like any other stuffed animals I've seen on the market- beady and dark- I swear I saw something different in them.

Magical even.

At that moment, something inside me told that he needed someone.

So I picked him up that day, carried him home and called him Tattoo because of what I got.

As soon as I got home, I remember it took time cleaning him up, drying him and eventually making him sit on my bed as his new home.

"Tattoo, just let me rest on you for a while I'm done," and before I know it my eyes that were filled with tears and snot spilled on him, for hours, until the night became dark and I finally feel the weight of my headache. My lids flutter a bit, slightly open then slightly close, and my exhausted body and mind agree that I should fall asleep. 

So everything went blank from there.

Jungkook's POV:  

She calls me Tattoo, but my true name is Jeon Jungkook. Centuries before, I've been cursed to live this life as I've broken the heart of a daughter of an infamous witch, who turned me into a stuffed bunny.

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