Psycho x Professor x Chubby x Body (+): Hobi x Chubby Reader x ?

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*Trigger Warning: This is a psycho AU and the definition of a psycho is someone who is mentally unstable and has had recurring psychosis which they will need treatment from professional help. However for this AU, I'm using this term to refer to how a certain someone acts like a 'psycho' not really about them having this condition at all.

There will be parts dealing with manipulation, gaslighting, sexual assault, abuse, kidnapping and even murder.

Also since I decided to add in a chubby reader, this fanfiction may have language that could upset people as I've made Hobi and ? ff to be an a-hole. So be warned of that and that there may be some profanity thrown around.

Overall read this filth at your own discretion. 

e/c - eye color 

f/ic - favorite ice cream 

f/t - favorite ice cream topping 

h/c - hair color 


Hobi's POV:

If I were to get into myself, I'd say I'm a 26 year old dance professor here at a local community college in Korea.

The reason I chose this college is because my dad used to go here and I wanted to continue his legacy.

Although I wasn't an English teacher, I became a dance professor and that itself made my dad proud.

As a dancer I've achieved many honors and medallions nationally and internationally so much so that Korea has pardoned me from doing my mandated military service so I could focus on teaching countless more students about dance as I teach at school and even send videos online too.

Which I did and also because at that time, my parents and I were in major debt and needed to pay off certain things.

But once things got settled, I started teaching these moves for life.

And I thought I had it all until there's this girl who always catches my eyes.

"That's it! Y/N! Would you please pay attention to these steps!" 

And it's never for a good reason.

Even though I kept on showing her how to move her body, did nightly practice and even tried countless ways to get her concentrated on dancing she couldn't follow through as my other students had.

Although she has big aspirations to become an idol in Korea, I don't think she has what it takes as a full package.

I mean yeah I've heard her sing and man does her voice power the room unlike any other artist I've heard.

And trust me I've listen to plenty.

However, when it comes to K-pop idols there's a certain standard look that Koreans expect and this is mostly for girls- they've gotta be skinny with curves allowed on their bust and buttocks, they've gotta be fair-skinned, have a v jaw-line, higher forehead, have double eye-lids, have cute straight button nose, perfect teeth, and most importantly they need to move gracefully above all else. 

But this girl doesn't have any of that and I find her to be the most frustrating when she just stays in my class and fails.

"Alright everybody take five!" I said and I let my mind wander for a bit as the students spread out to get water, use the bathroom or socialize together.

However, I guess for Y/N she still has enough energy to dance sloppily and wrong.

At this point, I'm so done with her.

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