I Have to Know: Krypton

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Izuku walked into his house and greeted his parents. His mother and father were cuddled on the couch watching one of their favorite movies.

Correction, her favorite movie. Hisashi was just along for the ride.

Since Izuku began making money as an intern for Yaoyorozu Corporation, his father returned from his job overseas and took up a position close to home. As such, the family was together more often and got to enjoy the small things.

Inko got up and hugged her son tightly and Hisashi joined in.

"Mom... Dad... need... oxygen," Izuku weezed out.

"Oh, sorry," Inko said as she let go. She looked like she was going to cry.

"Are you okay, Mom?" Izuku asked his mom. She had tears threatening to drip at any moment. She picked up a red cloth that was on the couch and held it close.

"I found this while cleaning out some things today. It's the blanket you came wrapped up in as a baby. It made me remember how cute you were and.... and.............
................................ how you're growing so fast! I'm losing my baby!"

Tears began to shoot from her eyes like geysers. Hisashi pulled out his pocket umbrella to shield himself from the tear rain. He made it a habit to carry it around soon after he started dating his now wife. He especially had to use it more often now because of their son.

And right on que, Izuku rushed over and joined in the crying making four tear geysers.

"Oh Mom, you will never lose me. I will always be your baby!"

"You're just saying that to make me feel better!"

"But, it's true!"

This went on for a while. Hisashi just smiled at them as they cried. He did make a mental note however to mop up the mess when they finished.

After the waterworks finished, Izuku joined his parents for dinner. It was katsudon, as usual when Hisashi cooks. It was the only dish he knew how to make. Also he couldn't let Inko cook today, she would soak everything in tears in the state she was in today. Not that Izuku was complaining though, this was his favorite dish. Though Mom made it better.

He told them about his conversation with Momo today and about his findings. They listened intently for the sake of finding out if there were other survivors. And if there were, would they take him back?

Would he want to go back to his world if it is still there?

These were just a few of the thoughts that came to their minds. But, they decided to ask those questions later. For now, they would enjoy these moments they had together for however long they had them.

After dinner Izuku helped put the dishes away and clean the table. Then he decided to take a few minutes in his lab to do some research before bed.

That was when he heard it.



There was a quiet, yet shrill noise coming from the lab.

"L.O.I.S., activate security scan of the lab."

"Yes, Sir."

L.O.I.S. scanned the basement/lab like Izuku asked. She then proceeded to do the rest of the house, just to be safe. Izuku did design her to be very thorough, of course.

"No intruders detected on the premises, Sir," L.O.I.S. confirmed.

Izuku's parents noticed the scan and came up behind their son.

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