Can't help falling in love

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"Barry currently has a broken nose, a cracked cheekbone and a mild concussion." Alex said as she gestured to the unconscious Barry laid on a bed in the medical room.

"Has?" Kara asked, a bit worried.

"His powers are not healing him?" Mon-el said as he glanced at the bandaged face of Barry.

"His powers are completely gone - I could find a single trace of the speedforce in his system. Team Flash is also stumped by this just as much as we are." Alex explained as she rubbed her eyes due to lack of sleep.

"Then we find this Music Meister and get him to undo what he did to Barry." Mon-el said as he gestured to Barry.

"How can we find someone with Barry's speed? How can we deal with someone with that much power?" Kara said as she was biting her lip, worried about the damage he could do with Barry's speed.

"Well... The DEO can help with that." J'onn Jones said as he was caught up to speed on everything that happened. "He has all of Barry's knowledge on how to use his powers. But he also has his weaknesses too."

"Extreme cold." Alex summed up.

"So my freeze breath can help deal with this person?" Kara nodded, seeming a bit confident.

"Not quite. Barry also has a way to prevent himself from such an attack. But we do have someone who knows Barry more than we do."

"How can anyone know Barry more than us?" Kara said, a bit confused.

"Well it's not like we can just get Barry to help us." Mon-el said as he pointed out him being unconscious.

J'onn Jones furrowed his eyes in a deep thought. "Maybe we can. We all know that Barry Allen is a time remnant of his earth's Flash. Maybe we can just get to that earth and get the help from that Flash?"

"But he doesn't talk much about his home world. It wasn't destroyed like Krypton but to him, his world might as well have been destroyed." Kara said as she understood Barry, more so than she thought.

"Well Barry explained that the multiverse exists in the same plane of existence but can only be accessed by phasing at a right frequency." Winn explained.

"So, we need a speedster?" Mon-el sighed.

"Not quite, he made a dimensional extrapolator in the DEO before, in fact. We can just use that design since he made notes of everything. We even have contingencies in place for creatures that we have yet to discover." J'onn explained.

"I will get right on building it." Winn said with a snap of his fingers and rushed out the room.

Kara stood and watched Barry's chest rise and fall with every breath he took. She never realised how much the team depended on him. How much she depended on him despite him hiding secrets from, there wasn't anyone she trusted more with her life.

It was then that she realised it herself, she still loves Barry deeply, the short time that he was around left a lasting mark on her.

Mon-el read her face and could tell what she was thinking - it was then that his heart shattered. Unable to stand there, he walked out the room heading to the training room to punch something but stopped when Winn entered.

Winn ran back into the room with a puzzled look on his face, walking past Mon-el who stopped.

"Winn, what's wrong?" Kara asked as she noticed him enter the room.

"Well it turns out we don't need to look for this Music Meister. He is in Central City, causing trouble for team Flash, they can't do anything because their flash is out of action just as much as Barry is. Wally has not woken up ever since he was attacked by the Reverse Flash."

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