Set in Stone.

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Kara and Clark both stood in Central City Picture News as they watched the chaos ensue.

The Flash's identity as Harrison Wells had been revealed to the world and the truth about who he was has come out too, spreading in the newspaper in National City, Metropolis and Central City.

"What's the plan now?" Iris asked the duo as Kara was smirking at watching it all unfold.

"Well the next part is simple, Superman and Supergirl are going to walk up to Star Labs and demand that he turn himself in." Kara explained to Iris, carefully referring to herself in 3rd person.

"And then what?" Clark asked.

"Supergirl knows a few secret spots within Star Labs, the only issue is that we don't know what Thawne will do now that his secret is out. So he could end up endangering the city."

"If that's the case, shouldn't we go now so that we can make sure we're there for when Supergirl and Superman do show up." Clark said, trying to rush them so that they can stop Thawne quicker.

"Yes, hopefully Thawne gets stopped before he does damage to the city or anyone." Iris said, trying to keep their identities secret.

It was then that they left and it wasn't long before they were changed into their superhero attire and flying above Central City watching over Star Labs.

"Let's do this." Kara said before speeding over towards Star Labs as Clark followed after her.

They both landed outside with a loud thud as Kara looked up at one of the CCTV.

"Thawne, I know you're in there. Stop being a coward and come out here and face us." Kara shouted out to the camera facing her.

"Kara." Clark uttered as he saw someone turning up.

"Cisco? Caitlin?" Kara said, recognizing Killer Frost and Vibe.

"Since when did Supergirl know about our identities?" Vibe said as he gestured to her in confusion.

"Remember, Wells said that it is nothing but a lie. Don't trust what they're saying." Frost sighed at Cisco.

Clark glanced over at Kara waiting for her to do something but he could tell that Kara wasn't the same Kara he knew, his Kara rushed in headfirst and was stubborn. This Kara was calm and collected and even tried to talk them down from a confrontation.

Kara sighed at the duo. "Let me guess? Thawne said we were lying and that we're not to be trusted?"

"Yeah, he said that plus more." Cisco said as he pointed his fist at Kara.

"Please. You're not experienced enough with your powers. I have seen the memories of Kara from this timeline. You're being weakened by Thawne so that you two cannot turn on him and find out what he is capable of."

"Why should we believe you?" Frost said as she held up her hands as frost was falling from them.

Kara shrugged her shoulders. "I am not asking you too. I am asking you to trust me for thirty minutes. What I will do is earn that trust."

"Yeah and what if we don't trust you after." Cisco asked them.

"Well for starters, my name is not actually Supergirl." Kara said with her hands on her hips.

"Oh you don't say." Cisco with a roll of his eyes.

"My name is Kara Danvers... but you already knew that, didn't you? Thawne told you who we were." Kara said before crossing her arms across her chest.

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