"Am I looking that handsome?", He asked

"I'll still look at you even if you look the worst", I smirked

"Did you just mean I look worst? I'm ugly?", He asked frowning

"Hey no, I din't mean that.. I was trying to be romantic and you say such?", I frowned

"Romantic? You? Are you joking Divi?", He laughed

"Hey what was that? What's there to laugh now?", I asked annoyed

"Nothing, just felt funny when you said you are being romantic", he said

"You mean I can't be? I mean why?", I asked

"I don't know if you can or no, but now you ar'nt", he said

"I just said I'll look at you however you are, that means I can keep looking at you.. isn't that romantic?", I asked

"If you think so", he said

Ugh Arjun!!


I knew this would be her reaction, she was getting annoyed and I was enjoying pulling her leg..

I bought her to the mall coz I know she gets happy over simple things and something unusual would probably wouldn't make her excited that I doubt it would bore her..

So I made it simple, afterall all I need is time with her and I have that either way..

"Ok chill babes, I was just kidding", I smiled

She glared at me and looked back at the screen.. seems like my sweetheart is angry now..

"Angry much?", I asked

"Annoyed much", she replied not looking at me

"How can I compensate it?", I asked

"You know it well", she said

I do know.. little things bring her happiness, and I know those little things well..

I smiled and went out and came back with chocolate milkshake, oh wait.. this is precisely brownie shake..

All thanks to her that now for me also chocolate isn't just chocolate and I know that chocolate has more flavours in it..

As soon as her eyes fell on it I see her eyes glowing with happiness.. damn, this chocolate makes her more happy than I do? Fuck, why am I jealous now?

"Want?", I asked

"Ofcourse", she said and snatched the glass from me

The rest of the time she kept enjoying her shake and watching the movie..

I told mom dad the very next moment when Divya confessed to me.. they where so happy and when I told it's her birthday today they wanted to meet her as well..

So I took her home for lunch and mom being over exited took her in a hug to Divya's surprise..

"I was waiting for you", mom smiled

Divya smiled back and we settled on the sofa..

"You must be hungry right, I'll serve the lunch.. come over", mom called

"Mom can we just eat in my room?", I asked

"Need privacy huh? Fine fine.. go", dad smirked

Divya looked flushed by his statement.. she still doesn't know that mom dad knows about our relationship now.

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