Chapter 1- Jemma's POV

Start from the beginning

I have a small cooler and lunch box of snacks all ready to go and within Maddie's reach so that I wouldn't have to struggle to hand her food. Her tablet is fully charged and I downloaded her favorite movies for her to watch. She was so excited when I gave her a set of headphones that have a unicorn horn on the headband and they're bright pink. Those were more of a gift for me than for her. Don't get me wrong I love Disney movies just as much as the next girl but you can only hear the same ones over and over again for so long. Now she can listen to her movies and I can listen to my music.

We stop by the grocery store to pick out a few last minute snacks and something from the deli for us to eat for dinner. We strolled up and down every aisle. I really didn't need to stop here but I wasn't wanting to sit in the empty apartment surrounded by boxes and plastic wrapped mattresses waiting to be picked up. We took longer than I thought and now had to rush over to the apartment to get there before the movers do.

I keep Maddie right beside me. I know I'm over protective but this girl is fearless and has such an adventurous soul that if I didn't keep a hand on her she would chase butterflies halfway across the city without batting an eye. I've even considered getting one of those kid leash things but in the end decided against it.

I watch as the movers shift all of our furniture, the many boxes of books, and all the other things from the apartment to the truck. It takes them less than an hour to load everything that has taken me over a month to pack. I sign the papers, and give them one of the keys to my new apartment so they can move the stuff in without me having to be there. As I watch the truck drive off I take Maddie to the local playground one last time so she can run out the last of her energy in hopes that she will sleep on the way to our new home.

At the playground she immediately runs over to the monkey bars, her favorite, as I take a seat on the only bench there. I shiver as the cold metal quickly penetrates my leggings clad butt. I pulled out my phone and texted my older sister Katie.

J: Movers just left. I'm scared

K: Girl! You got this. Think of this as an adventure.

J: I'm just throwing one last pity party before I pull my big girl panties up and move on.

K: That's fine. But honestly what is there to be scared of?

J: What if they hate me and I end up losing my job and get kicked out of my apartment and become homeless and the state takes Maddie away.

K: Wow, someone's been over thinking.

K: Let's unpack that pile of shit. 1) Doesn't matter if they like you, you are awesome at your job and they would be fools to fire you. 2) You won't get kicked out of your apartment because even if you have to find a new job you have your savings to fall back on and you know Dad, Mom and I would help you out in a heartbeat. 3) Homelessness would never happen. You always have a room with them or me. 4) You are the best Mom out there and the state would never take Maddie away.

After reading that paragraph of love and support I felt the familiar sting in the back of my eyes causing my vision to blur slightly as I replied

J: Thanks, I needed to hear that.

K: Perfect, my job here is done. You better call me if you start getting drowsy on the road.Let me know when you get to Harrisville too.

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