Grace took a sip of her tea as she gathered her thoughts. She knew she was ready for them both to go on the next chapter of their adventure together, the next chapter of their lives.

"Ash, there is a region that not many know of. It's old and steeped in tradition. They don't have a league from what we can tell, but there are 17 kingdoms for you to battle against. There is a strict order in which to battle them, but should you defeat them all in order, it is said the victor of the challenge will be rewarded handsomely."

Ash and Serena looked at each other with excitement! A new region! A very unique region at that!

Serena turned to her mother with excitement. "Are there any new Pokémon there?! Do they have contests or showcases?!"

Grace frowned. She knew Serena was going to ask about contests. "I'm sorry hun, but from what information I have managed to gather, I don't think they do have them. You can find out when you get there though."

Serena looked down in disappointment. "I'm sorry Serena." Ash said, taking her hand in his. "I'm sure they have something. If they don't, we will find something for you to do."

"No, it's ok Ash, really it is. As long as we are together and having fun then that's all that matters. Besides, I have a feeling we will have tons of fun no matter what!" Serena said, laying her head on his shoulder.

"As for Pokémon, there isn't much data on what kinds are in the region." Said Grace. "What is known is that there have been reports of some rare Pokémon being in the region that are not seen anywhere else."

Ash had a grin on his face. He loved the idea of having the chance to get new Pokémon to add to his team. Now his mind was racing! What Pokémon would he find? Would they want to join his team?

Serena giggled as she saw the look on his face. "Ash, I can see the gears turning in that head of yours! Do you know who your taking with you?"

Delia looked up at her son, seeing how deep in thought he was. "Other than Pikachu and Lucario, I think Greninja would be a good idea. I have a feeling they would fit right into the battle styles you would want to use there." She said.

This comment from his mother caused Ash to look at her with curiosity. How did she know the styles of battle that he might want to use? Has she been there before?

Ash looked at the mothers. "I don't suppose either of you have been there before have you? You seem to know allot about it in some ways but know nothing in others."

Grace looked over at Delia who nodded. She turned back to Ash. "Ash, we haven't been there but have spent the last few weeks researching the region so we can give you as much information as we could."

Grace stood up and went to the desk where her computer was and grabbed a small package of documents before returning to her seat.

"This is all you need. Your flight information and tickets, a map with city and rout information, the order in which to battle the kingdoms, as well as customs and traditions and laws." She handed the package to Serena who took the tickets out of the envelop.

"This says we leave in two days and fly out at 7am." She said, reading the tickets. " that the region we are going to?"

Delia nodded as she replied. "You are indeed going to Ransei. It's an island that is said to have been created by Arceus in his image. The island, as Grace told you, is divided into 17 kingdoms. They have the main city and several smaller villages. The airport is located in the city of Aurora. That is where you will start your adventure."

Grace looked at the young couple. "Now, do not rush thing trip for you both. Take your time and experience all there is to experience. Enjoy your selves." She said this last part with a big grin on her face.

An Adventure of a Lifetimeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें