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                                     ╔ ——————————————— ╗

                                " Everything's in order in a black hole

                          Nothing seems as pretty as the past though"

                                     ╚ ——————————————— ╝

                                     ╚ ——————————————— ╝

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                                               [ 5th June , 1977 ]

Her footsteps faintly resonated against the sand-coloured marble of the floor , opaline sunlight alighting her steps , blossoming citrus irises carefully watching out for any curious shadows following her. The corridor ahead is , thankfully , deserted - and she soon finds herself winding up by the doors of the library. 

Stepping in , she manages to avoid the small groups at their respective tables , deep in conversation - books open on the table or parchment astrew , bottles of ink left to rot under the dry sun. Amaya spotted the familiar group of four far away , aloof in a corner - radiating an almost ethereal glow , and the students treated them as such holy beings.

Self-proclaimed saints , each one of them in their own way. But Amaya was harbouring the same feathers , so she couldn't complain much.

Her hand curled tighter under her long viridian-hemmed robes , loose pearl striped tie hanging around her neck - untidy , yet perfectly ringing with her appearance. A hyacinth veneer of sorts hung between them , painted softly in acrylic as though both parties were civil with each other when things were far from that. As she approached closer with a silent breath , Amaya found herself staring deeply at a certain boy with low , melanoid curls and unphasing astral eyes. Merlin , his whole being was her achilles heel - and she hadn't ever minded , not until now. She gulped. Salazar , she was no swooning teenager , she could handle this. This was not about him , not at all.

James looked up all of a sudden , just in time to find her stalking closer too them. With an alerted posture , he nudged the three boys around him - bickering about something he had lost interest in. They all straightened , waiting for the Slytherin girl as she reached them - sharing a small smile with Peter. James did not know why his fists clenched tighter at the action , but he ignored his instincts as he observed her go around them , connecting her copper optics with Remus.

The bespectacled boy watched with baited breath as she slowly , albeit hesitantly handed him a vial , a sapphire liquid gleaming in the light of the dying evening sun. Her hair was shades of the sunset , the shadow of the hidden moon brushing against her features - painting her in acrylic. He watched as Amaya handed Remus the Wolfsbane Potion she had so often brewed for him during every full moon. Remus received it with a grateful smile , and James' stomach took a tumble.

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