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Michelle POV

After breakfast and lounging around with everyone, it was now after 5 PM, I decided to put my plan into motion. Cassandra suggested I seduce this bastard, but I wouldn't dare let him touch me. Val let me borrow a pair of jeans she had that hugged all my curves in the right places and a sweater with just enough cleavage to get him stuck. I couldn't let Angela know ahead of time of my plan so I'm just going have to play it by ear. I found their house and let's just say, Bryant has some taste still. I checked my makeup and fixed my hair. I got out of my car and walked to the door

*Rings Doorbell*
I rang the doorbell hoping Bryant would answer so I can see the look on his face, but Angela answered instead. Shocked and surprised to see me, I gave her a signal to just go with the flow.

"Hi, my name is Michelle Carter. My fiancé and I just moved in next door, we haven't fully unpacked yet and I was wondering if I could possibly use your phone to call my fiancé?"

Before she could answer, Bryant called out to her walking to the door

"Babe, who is at the door?" Bryant asked

"Uhm, it's our new neighbor Michelle." She replied

"Oh- uhm, my apologizes. I didn't catch your name?" Bryant said stuttering

"It's Michelle Carter." I replied

"Honey, Michelle was wondering if she could use the phone really quick to call her fiancé." Angela spoke

"Oh sure, that won't be a problem. Come right on in." Bryant spoke stepping aside to let me in

"Thanks, it won't be long." I spoke as I went to use the phone.

I called Yolanda to give her the address so that she could bring me the divorce papers. I was getting them signed before we left for Bali. The conversation didn't take long, and I didn't want to seem suspicious.

"Thank you much, I'm just going to wait outside. He's not far and should be here in a few." I told Bryant and Angela

"Uhm, are you sure. You could stay here until he arrives. I'm sure my wife could keep you company." Bryant spoke

"Actually, I want to be outside so he can see me. It's no problem. But thank you." I replied as I headed out the door. Before I left, I slipped Angela a note

"It was nice meeting you both. I'm sure we'll be seeing more of each other soon." I spoke as I left

I knew Bryant was watching me, so I had to pretend that I was actually walking to my "house". Once I was out of his view, I ran behind the houses and met Yolanda on the next street over. I got in the truck and saw The Golden Girls minus one in the back.

"You really thought we were going to allow you two to be alone with this bastard?" Cassandra asked as Yolanda drove off

"Where's Cheryl? Chelle asked

"She stayed with the girls and started helping them pack. They keep asking where we're going, but we told them to just pack." Val explained

"Did you get the note to Angela?" Yolanda asked

"Yep. The plan is now in motion." I replied

"Here, we brought this for you to change in." Cassandra spoke handing me an outfit

"I'll look like Eartha Kitt in Cat woman in this." I spoke looking at the outfit

"Yeah, I know. We all are." She told me

"Don't ask. You have to understand that Cassandra is Cassandra. Just go along with it." Yolanda replied

"Val, I wanted to ask. Are you okay with all of this?" I turned facing her

"I'm fine. I just want this bastard to get what he deserves." Val spoke

"He will. Tonight. I actually have this with me." Cassandra said pulling a bottle with some liquid in it

"Cassandra, what is this?" Yolanda asked her

"It's something that I concocted up a few weeks ago." Cassandra replied

"You've had this on you this entire time?" Val asked her

"No, I had stored in the refrigerator at my hospital. I picked it up the other day." Cassandra replied

"Can't you get fired for doing this." Chelle asked concerned

"Only if someone snitches." Cassandra replied

"What is it?" Chelle asked

"Just know that it's something that will have Bryant out for the time that we will be in Bali. It won't kill him. It'll have him loopy and then it will have him out cold." Cassandra explained putting the vile back in the envelope

"Whatever it takes, I'm cool with it." Chelle replied

"While Cassandra has her lethal injection. I have something. Open the glove compartment" Yolanda said as she continued to drive

I opened the envelope and pulled out the contents. I read the top part before I spoke again

"Yolanda, this is a divorce petition for Angela. How did you-?"

"The perks of being a lawyer and having the inquisitive and wondering mind that I've always had, I did some research. "Eric" thought he had vanished away from his past lifestyle but what he forgot to do was make sure his fake documents looked legit. I was able to find everything I needed by his Social Security number. Therefore, being able to draw those papers up." Yolanda explained

"What time are we supposed to get this plan going? Cause I'm hungry and I can't work on an empty stomach." Cassandra spoke

"You can't work on a full stomach." Val replied back

"I'm waiting on Angela to send me the code on the burner phone she has." Chelle answered

"Okay, well can we eat until then?" Cassandra asked whining

"Here. Eat this and shut up." Val spoke handing a bag of snacks she had

"Yolanda pull over into this parking lot until Angela sends the message." Val told her

"What are you thinking about Chelle? You just got quiet on us." Yolanda asked her

"I don't know. It's just when I saw Bryant, my emotions started to take over on me. I thought I had it under control, but I guess not. I just want all of this to over." Chelle replied

"It will be soon. For you, Val, and Angela. He will never see the light of day again. I can promise you that." Cassandra spoke


"Angela just sent us the signal. Let's get going ladies." Chelle replied

*15 minutes later*

"Yolanda park where you were before, and we can walk the path." Chelle told her

"How are we going to get in the house?" Val asked

"Angela left the backdoor unlocked and the windows opened. She also turned off the alarms, so police won't be alarmed." Chelle explained

"Okay, so how are we going to get this done?" Yolanda asked

"Angela mentioned the other day that he goes to sleep early so he won't be so tired for work. We'll make noise as if there's a burglary in progress and once he gets downstairs, Cassandra can stick the needle in his neck. Then we'll go from there." Chelle gave the rundown

"Does that work for you Cassandra? Cassandra?" Val asked noticing she didn't answer

"She's already across the fence." Yolanda spoke

The other ladies jumped the fence and removed their jackets. Chelle quickly changed into the outfit behind a tree. They made there way into the house. Yolanda and Chelle went through the door while Val and Cassandra went through the windows. They made just enough noise to get Eric to wake up. They heard him make his way downstairs and before he could speak, Cassandra spooked him.

"Surprise motherfucker." She spoke as she stuck the needle in his neck. In no time he was out

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