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University of Michigan Hospitals-Michigan Medicine

*Cheryl's POV*
8:45 AM

I wasn't too busy today and only had 3 appointments scheduled. All of them before 11 AM. It was now 10:15 and my last patient just left. I know what you're thinking. I should've left and went home after my last appointment. But honestly, the only reason I decided to stay was so that Val and I can discuss the girls birthday gifts. With them being home, we didn't want to risk it being ruined. With the help of Yolanda and Cassandra, we decided to gift both of our girls the new 2001 Lexus LS 430 Sedan. Karen's will be black with gold interior and Doe's will be black but with a Rose Gold interior. We all may be financially stable, but we didn't want our children to think that they should get everything they want. They have to work for it. Since they have worked hard and made it this far, they deserved this first. Tam and Jacky will be getting their gifts next month for their birthdays/Christmas but they don't know it yet. Val just finished with her last appointment so we're currently in my office on the phone with the car dealership finalizing everything.

*15 minutes later*
"I'm glad that's over with. Can't wait to see our babies faces when they see their gifts. I mean with the "snowstorm" that we had, it may have pushed them getting their license back a few weeks, but at least they'll have it when they do." Cheryl said

"That's true. Have you seen Dr. Benet around. I wanted to invite him to Thanksgiving dinner at Yolanda's." Valerie asked

"No, I haven't seen him around. But I'm sure he's here somewhere." Cheryl said as she focused on something for a patient on her computer

"Okay, well you're doing whatever, I'm gonna lay and down on this couch with this heater close by." Valerie said as she kick off her shoes and laid on the couch with the blanket.

*Cheryl's pager goes off*

She checks it and it's Yolanda. She decided to call her to make sure everything was okay. It was. She just wanted to know if they were up to going to lunch. Cheryl agreed and told her when Val wakes up from her nap, they can meet up at Slows Bar BQ.

11:15 AM

Val was now awake from her nap. Cheryl relayed to her that Yolanda wanted to meet up for lunch. She was cool with that. But she wanted to meet with Dr. Benet before they left for the rest of the day.

*knock knock*

"Come in." Cheryl said as the door opened

It was Yolanda and Cassandra.

"Hey hey! What's going on?" They said

"Hey, what are y'all doing here? I thought Cheryl said we were meeting you for lunch." Val said and she hugged the women

"No, we were, but Cassandra has finally finished her case and I wanted to make this a celebratory lunch." Yolanda said as she and Cassandra sat down

"You won your case!? That's amazing! Congratulations Girl!" Val and Cheryl

"Thank you! Let's just say the prosecution now wishes they didn't drag this on for so long. My client walked away with total amount of 100 million dollars in Compensation Wages. 3 times the amount of we originally asked for." Cassandra said

"Ohhhhh girl, Michelle Obama ain't got nothing on you!" Val replied

"Oh, by the way Val, I saw your little... friend walking down the hallway while I was waiting for Cassandra in the restroom. He is fine. I see why you're hiding him. If I had someone like that, I'd hide him too." Yolanda said

Val looked confused because she never told them about Eric. She only told them that she was seeing someone but because they worked together, they had to be discreet

"How did you know that was him?" She asked her

She didn't say anything. That answered her question.

"You can never keep your mouth shut. Can you?" Val said looking at Cheryl

"Well, who else was I supposed to tell. I couldn't tell Karen or Doe." Cheryl said

Val threw a pillow at her. She got up and headed out the door to his office.

"Going to get a quickie in before lunch." Yolanda said all giddy

"No I'm not. I'm going to go ask him a question. Is that alright with you?" She asked for permission

"Can we meet him? I wanna see who fine sculpture of a man is that's got you ask hot and bothered" Cassandra asked with smirk

"No, you'll meet him on Thanksgiving. I'm inviting him to Yolanda's. That way everyone can meet him at the same time. I'll be back." Val said as she headed out the door

Valerie's POV
Walking to Eric's office, I felt a tad bit nervous. She's about to invite him to Thanksgiving dinner where he'll be meeting her closest friends, their daughters and even her daughter. She just prays that he'll accept the invitation. She's also praying that the meeting will go well. She reached his office door and took a deep breath before knocking.

"Come in." Eric said. He looked up and saw Valerie walking in his office

"Hi, Eric do you have a minute?" Val asked

"Yeah sure. Have a seat. What's up?" He asked

"Uhm, I know we've been dealing with each other for about a year and everything and I was thinking that it was time that you meet my daughter." Val said rubbing her hands together nervously.

The other night Karen kinda said something to me that made me realize things. But if it's too much I can understand" Val continued

"No I understand. I'd actually like to meet her. When can we make that happen?" Eric asked

"I was thinking Thanksgiving. If you didn't have any plans, we're all getting together this year at a friend's house for dinner. That way you can meet my friends, my daughter and her friends." Val suggested

"That sounds like a plan. Why don't just give me the address and I'll see you then." Eric said handed her a pad and pen

Valerie wrote down Yolanda's address and handed the pad back to him.

"That's not far from where I live." Eric said

"Okay great. I'll see you then." Valerie replied as she headed out the door

She headed back to Cheryl's office so they could leave and go to lunch. She couldn't wait for Eric to meet everyone and she prayed that it all went well.

How do yall think Thanksgiving will go over?

Will Karen like Dr. Benet?1

I'll be skipping to Thanksgiving, but I'll show Karen and Doe's gifts along with everyone's outfits




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