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Things were going great! Except they were not.

Shinso laid on the ground, chest feeling heavy. He tries to talk to activate his quirk, but no sound escapes. His hands coming up his throat, nails digging into the skin. All he feels is that thick, warm slime trying to crawl deeper into his lungs. The way he feels it sliding over and under his clothes makes him sick.

He gags, trying to fight the urge to vomit, not wanting to choke in his puke too. Shinso hopelessly thrashes around as the world goes dark, running out of oxygen.

H-he's choking! Someone help him, please!

The last thing he sees before fainting is a big man with blond hair and a white shirt, and some green curls flash before his eyes.


For Izuku's safety, Aizawa decided that it was best to send the boy to the same school as Hitoshi to keep him from wandering alone since the "accident" with that bastard. It was going to be just a few months anyway since the both of them were soon going to decide which high school they were going to apply to.

Aizawa did not have a chance to ask Izuku which high school he would choose yet. The boy was pretty closed off and didn't let any information about him leak out, which obviously frustrated both Aizawa and his husband.

So he asked Hitoshi to help him gain Izuku's trust. Since they were going to attend school together, the purple-haired boy had more chances to get something out of him.

Hitoshi had one other task assigned. He could not let Izuku go out by himself, at least not yet.

It was now a few days since Izuku started going to school with his best friend. As much as he liked hanging out with him, the others were not pleased at all. That annoying purple cabbage always ruined every chance of them getting out.

Izuku shyly raised his hand by the end of the class, asking to go to the bathroom quite urgently. He quickly walked outside of the classroom. Nothing too suspicious, if it wasn't for the fact that Ryker forgot to stutter.

Of course, Hitoshi had noticed. Izuku was always a stuttering mess, especially those days since he was recently admitted to a new class. Maybe he was panicking? Izuku always went dead serious after a lot of stress. Perhaps he just wanted to stay alone for a bit.

In conclusion, the freckled boy missed the end of the period and magically disappeared. Hitoshi sent him a text and waited for him at the main gate, not wanting to bother his friend too much. He knew he probably just wanted to be left alone since Aizawa did not let him.

After waiting half an hour, he decided to walk towards home, taking a longer route to let Izuku reach him before alerting Aizawa.

Once he reached the bridge in a desolate area, a large shadow cast upon him. 


Ryker took over Izuku in a moment of distraction. He looked around, realizing he was sitting in class; the period was almost over. 

Hey! That's not fair! Kitsu exclaimed with his way too cheerful voice. Thas was now their chance to retrieve their stuff that went lost because of that lunatic.

He slowly lifted his hand, drawing the teacher's attention, and asked to go to the toilet. As he got permission to go, he quietly got Izuku's wallet and phone in his pocket and stood up, exiting the classroom.

When he reached the bathroom, he looked out the window, looking for a way to get out, realizing that he was on the second floor—just his luck. 

The alter leaned from the window, searching for something to grab onto. The tree below didn't seem very stable, but he jumped anyways, breaking the branch he caught hold of and falling inside some bushes. 

"Ah, shit..." He stood up and brushed away the leaves the stuck on his clothes. "Now we have to find the shit that you lost, hoping not to have to rebuy everything."

Kitsu whined in their head as Ryker calmly jumped over the school gate.

In the end, all he could find were just some bigger pieces, like the blood-stained clothes and the backpack with all of its content missing. 

"My brass knuckles are gone!" Ryker resisted punching the nearest tree, not wanting to hurt the body.

Jumping from the second floor and falling from a tree is acceptable, but god forbid you throw a punch...

"Shut. The fuck. Up. Now we have to get everything once again! I had to take down a massive piece of shit for those brass knuckles!" He paced back and forth while shouting to himself.

You'll have to work your ass off to regain every single yen we're going to spend because of you, Kitsu.

One very annoyed huff came from the crazy alter.

Not wanting to switch with Izuku in a non-safe environment, Ryker took a different route back home. As he was walking, muffled moaning reached his ears. He immediately went in the direction of the noises, not pleased with the scene that welcomed him.

Hitoshi was laying on the ground, surrounded by a disgusting slime man. He certainly didn't like that purple cabbage, but he couldn't let Izuku's best friend die in such a gross way. He crouched, getting into a fight stance, and analyzed what was in front of him.

"Don't worry; I'm just taking over his body. It'll be easier for him if you pretend you saw nothing and walk away. It only hurts for a minute, after all." Ugh, even his voice sounds gross.

Ryker laughed as he targeted the most exposed weak point he had ever seen: the villain's eyes and brain were practically floating in his liquid body.  Since Hitoshi's fingers just slipped through him, nothing could stop Ryker from grabbing his brain or just throwing a sharp rock at it.

Just as Ryker went for the brain, a big boom scared the shit out of him, but he didn't bother to turn around to see who was ruining his fun. He jumped and grabbed the gross, floating brain, making sure to squeeze just enough not to kill the villain on the spot. Why even bother being a villain when you have such a big weakness?

Hitoshi's now unconscious body was released, and Ryker watched in disgust as he woke up with a big gasp and threw up some remains of slime and all his stomach contents.

"Young boys! Are you okay?" A loud voice startled him, making him finally turn. 

All Might?! "Are you shitting my dick?!"


FINALLY! after days of being stuck on this chapter, I finally came up with something, and I'm even satisfied with it! It was pretty fun writing ittttttt hope you enjoyed! <3

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