Finding out the truth

Start from the beginning

"But why?" asked Sandpaw, who was sitting beside her mentor, Whitestorm. Whitestorm answered her. 

"I suspect ShadowClan is not as weak as we thought they would be. And Nightpelt seems to have more ambition than any cat expected." 

"But why does RiverClan want to hunt WindClan's grounds? They have always grown fat on the fish from their precious river!" yowled Willowpelt. 

"The uplands are a long way to go for a few windblown rabbits!" The once-beautiful queen, Dappletail, spoke up in a voice cracked with age. "At the Gathering, some of the RiverClan elders spoke of Twolegs taking over part of their river."

"Do any of you realize that they're probably starving to death? Admit it, ShadowClan is never skittish. Sometimes it makes you wonder what's going on in that little Clan of theirs!" I cross my arms over my chest.

"Blazefur is right. I bet they think they can find more prey since WindClan's gone," Tigerclaw followed my actions.

"Right now, they're probably looking at WindClan's territory like it's a piece of gold. And the more land they have-" I looked over at Tigerclaw.

"The more land they have to expand and get stronger," He finished. 

"You have excellent thinking, Tigerclaw, and Blazefur, but we must sit back and watch for now. We must be very careful not to give them an idea to become closer. Go and rest now. Runningwind and Dustpaw, you will take the dawn patrol."

A cold breeze rattled the dying leaves in the trees overhead. The people, still murmuring amongst themselves, went to their dens. I uncrossed my arms and headed into the Warrior's den. I considered going to Tigerclaw's room but I was too tired for that. 

I went to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I sighed miserably and looked down.  When I looked back up, I saw Tigerclaw standing behind me. I jumped in fright.

"Sorry," he apologized cheesily.

"It's fine, I just didn't smell you." I picked up my hairbrush and combed my hair vigorously.

Tigerclaw stole the brush from my hands and started putting my hair in a bun.  I opened my mouth questionably but he looked so concentrated that I didn't say anything.  I shut my eyes, enjoying the feeling of his hands in my hair. Tigerclaw held the bun with one hand and took two hairbands off of my wrist with the other.

I looked at the bun in the mirror. "Thank you," 

I smiled slightly. Tigerclaw nodded. Sometimes he talked a lot, the other times not so much.

"How did you learn that?" I made eye contact with him in the mirror.

"My sister," His face was emotionless. I guessed she wasn't here anymore. I didn't push him to say anything more. I could tell it was a touchy subject. 

I stepped out of the bathroom and stripped out of the layers of clothing. I had every piece of clothing off except my undergarments. I'm glad it was a matching set.

Tigerclaw didn't miss the opportunity to take his shirt off as well. I smiled at his enthusiasm. He pulled me towards his chest. He looked so handsome that I didn't know why I bothered to blush for Fireheart at all. I didn't understand him, yet I felt like I knew him for years. 

He pulled me in for a kiss but I shrugged away. Tigerclaw sighed. "You are very frustrating,"

I let out a girlish giggle. "I am?"

"Yes," he muttered, pressing his lips to my collarbone. 

"I'm so very sorry," I smiled.  

Tigerclaw raised his head, and I took my opportunity to give him a teasing kiss. I stood on my toes and gave him a slow kiss. He smiled into my lips and kissed me back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped into his arms. I wrap my legs around his waist as Tigerclaw moved towards the bed. We both flopped down on the bed. The kisses he gave me were desperate. He kissed me harder.

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