Welcome to Sussurus Valley

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Izuku's arrival in America was, ultimately, uneventful. He didn't bring any luggage, just what was in his travel backpack. It contained a couple different sets of all purpose clothes, a compass, map, a couple books, and other basic survival gear. He could pick up food when he arrived, anyhow, when he arrived in Denver. Stepping foot onto US soil for the first time, he took in the sights. All the different people bustling to and from, but it wasn't nearly the same amount as Tokyo international Airport. It was clear that Denver wasn't as big a city, but that was ultimately, alright in his book. Too many people was simply too many people. However, he still had to complete a vow he made before the flight. So, before leaving the airport, he kept his promise and tried to call his mother. However, she didn't pick up. The time zone difference means she is probably asleep... he left a voicemail. "Hi mom, I'm just checking in to let you know I've arrived. I'll call back to check in soon. I hope you are doing well. I already miss you, bye!"
Glancing around he found that very few people were even watching him, and those who did smiled in amusement. They weren't judging him. They were just amused for a boy's first travel experience, and the call to his mom was sweet. With that impression on his mind, Izuku quickly left the airport, his backpack in tow, and his face blushing in embarassment.

Arriving outside, it was a simple matter of flagging a taxi. The woman who drove it, however, was a bit harder to deal with, as she had a rough exterior, and mannerisms. After barely being able to tell her where to go, it was a miracle that the greenette was able to  tell her at all. The taxi sped away from Denver, and into the mountains, finally arriving at the small town he'd scouted online, known as Oak Creek. It would give him access to the area, allowing for easy exploration. Relying on his map, Izuku checked the three areas where he believed that the rumored valley could be, and decided to head to the northernmost one the next day. As he settled into the motel room, he closed his eyes and went to sleep. It had been a long flight.

The next morning, he woke up and immediately checked his phone. There was a spattering of missed calls and messages... all from his mom. Texting her back, he calmed the poor woman down: "I've made it to Oak Creek, and just woke up from sleeping. I'm going to start my exploration today. I'll let you know how it goes afterwards!" Stretching, he put on his hiking clothes, which may or may not have included a "Shirt" shirt, and left the building. Approaching the Motel receptionist, he asked, in his best English, "Hey, um... do you know where any good restaurants are?"

"Sure, kid." He responded, a little more energy than the previous night. "Downtown is just down the road, and there are a few good diners. I reccomend Nancy's Diner. Best pancakes in the region."

"Thanks!" Izuku left with a smile, and the man muttered muttered something about, "too goddamn bright". Ignoring it, he located the diner in question, and had the pancakes, as reccomended. They were just as delicious as he said.

The majority of the day had little success. At this point, Izuku was thinking of heading home, as there wasn't really anything ut here, but, it was then he heard something. A trickle of water. Investigating this, Izuku found a river not marked on the map. Quickly noting it down, he followed it, only to lose his footing... and fall into it. At this point, it wasn't a little stream, but a raging river, and it carried him downstream. Scrambling to stay afloat, he couldn't help but be reminded of his last near drowning experience. Determined to overcome this, he tried to swim, and found that his bag was just too heavy. Ditching it, he lamented the loss of most of his gear, but kept his compass and still held onto a waterproof bag, containing his journal. At this current point in time, they were the most important things he had, as it would be what he recorded his findings into, and how he would navigate and remember the area for later. After half an hour of fighting the current, he just let it carry him downstream, until he washed up against the shore of a cave. Exhausted, he dragged himself out of the water, clambering onto a more solid surface. Slimy, moss and grime covered rocks, but at least he was out of the water, and, exhausted, Izuku collapsed, and fell asleep as the sun set.

Waking up the next morning, Izuku found himself on the floor of the cave, unmoving. The gentle rush of a river was the first thing he heard, followed by the sounds of birds singing, and a gentle breeze running across leaves.

His body ached as he slowly got to his feet. Where am I... Do I still have my journal? When he checked to see if it was intact, he was delighted to find that it was. Perfect! I can record everything here!

Wandering slowly through these new caverns, the greenette stumbled upon two stone pillars, clearly carved out from the rock. It bore similarities to more mesoamerican cultures, but that can't be right. He must've accidentally found some old ruins, so the only logical thing to do would be to write notes on them, even with their clear inconsistencies. As he did so, his eyes were drawn to an ancient piece of deerskin draped across the wall next to a carved out archway leading to the next room. It had the design of a ferocious creature, draped in fur, menacing eyes, and branching antlers. The age of the deerskin means that it had to have been made thousands of years ago. I'm amazed it has lasted as long as it has here. After writing down the features in the room, he turned and went the only way forward, through the archway.

There was nothing special in the next room. The floor only acted as a bridge over a calm pool of water. On the opposite side Izuku could see sunlight shining through. Walking towards it, he found the path snaked between high walls of rock as he left the cave. At least the sun is shining brightly, Izuku thought positively. Only one way to go. He followed the path until it opened up to the most beautiful scene he'd ever seen. A small clearing framed a lake, surrounded by woodland and high arching mountains. Birds flew in the sky, and he could hear nothing but nature around him. Absolutely beautiful... but where am I?

The only way Izuku could walk was to the right, past a grove of trees within ancient looking ruins and surrounded by... what could only be described as white orbs. Carefully, he took notes on the construction and little bit of architecture he could discern. Analyzing a pot, he heard a noise from the clearing ahead. Curious, he followed the high pitch noises. All he found was a small clearing, similar to the one he saw before. The only difference was that there were a few pots scattered about. However, when he accidentally stepped on a stick, a bunch of new creatures darted out from wherever they were hiding from. They were about a foot tall, with little antlers sprouting from their head. They were translucent green, and when they looked at him, they had emotionless expressions. Their faces looked humanoid, without noses or ears. Their eyes were dark, but they held no malice. They floated around, some chasing each other like how puppies do when play fighting.

Amazed by this new discovery, he put all of it into the journal. I can't wait to tell the world about this!

However, when he reached the other end of the clearing, and weaved between the two boulders, Izuku found that he was not the first person to find this place.

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