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Katsuki grunted softly as he stirred the next morning, he could feel a soft breeze on his skin as he rolled over and layed on his stomach, exposing his bare ass, snuggling his face further into the comfy white pillows that smelled just as sweet and masculine as Izuku's shampoo.

Izuku who had been watching him from his balcony, a cigarette between his fingers, chuckled deeply.

Kacchan is so cute he thought as he took a drag from the cigarette before taking a sip of his whiskey humming appreciatively afterwards.

Izuku didn't even flinch when his phone rang in the deathly silent room, except for the quiet and soft inhales and whines Katsuki let out in his sleep.

"Izuku here" Izuku answered the phone and smirked when the familiar voice of Katsuki's mother rang out.

"Izuku! Hey...just wanted to check up on the brat"

Izuku glanced at the sleeping blonde as he puffed out smoke. "He's sleeping but he's perfect otherwise" 

"That's good then..."

Izuku hummed as he took a sip off his whiskey before a slow smirk spread over his lips. "Thanks again Aunt Mistuki...I couldn't have done this without you"

"Anything for you Izuku....aslong as you keep him safe and protected...and don't...involve him okay? I don't want him getting hurt..."

Izuku chuckled as he walked over to the sleeping blonde and slowly trailed his free hand's fingers over Katsuki's exposed soft and milky thigh. Izuku's eyes darkened to a deep rainforest green and a low growl rumbled in his chest when the blonde shivered in his sleep and let out a soft mewl.

"Who do you think you're talking to Auntie..." Izuku said into the phone making Mistuki huff on the other end.

"Accidents happen...I was just saying..."

"Not when it comes to Katsuki...I'd die before I'd let anything happen to know this"

"I'm happy to hear that Izuku...I'd better get going then, goodnight"

"Say hi to Uncle for me" was all Izuku said before he ended the call and threw his phone haphazardly across the room, it landed on the plush carpet by the door.

"I'd never allow any danger near you Cupcake...if anything were to happen to you....I'd go insane..." Izuku said leaning down and pressing a soft kiss on Katsuki's parted pink ones.

"Till death do us part my sweet cupcake"


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