Kitten🧡^ ONE

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Author : Our handsome and cute as ever Deeekuuu!!! Okay, yeah...*clears throat* on with the story...*giggles*

Katsuki sighed heavily as he walked towards the infamous gates of UA. His face turned into a soft sneer when he saw loads of students standing around when he got past the gate, some were smiling and chatting and others were showing of their quirks or new moves to friends.

Everything was peaceful, everything and everyone but a certain fluffy haired, dirty blonde and extremely explosive furball of a kitten...

Yup. You guessed it...Katsuki Bakugou had turned into a small and impossibly adorable kitten.

He didn't even know it had happened when he got up this morning after spending the weekend at his folk's house, and looked in the mirror.

His mother had, of course, teased him relentlessly and his father had the balls to chuckle in amusement. Nobody else but them knew and his mother had offered to call the school and tell them that they were away on an emergency out of the state, so now Katsuki could still go around and explore the school without anyone knowing or without being laughed at.

Katsuki's fur bristled a little when he saw a few familiar faces around while he walked. He sniffled his cute pink little nose a little when he saw Kirishima and the rest of the Baku-squad sitting at a small table, they were all eating different meals and laughing while talking about random stuff.

Katsuki decided to stand a little closer and listen in on their conversation.

"Hey guys, I kinda miss Bakubro right now" Kirishima said softly as he delicately stroked through a smiling Kaminari's soft bright blonde locks, they were dating by the way.

"Me too, but you heard what Aizawa said, they had a family emergency out of the USA I think?" Kaminari said softly, smiling sadly up at Kirishima and kissing him softly on the lips.

Katsuki rolled his small bright red kitty eyes, although they weren't as red as his usual eyes are, they were a orange like red with a small tint of gold flecks in them near the iris.

So she decided to use our home state for this little lie huh? Katsuki thought, he was actually a little surprised that she used USA since that's where Katsuki was born.

"I'm still gonna miss him though"

"Yeah, me too" said Mina as she sipped softly on her pink strawberry Milkshake. Sero only nodded while he swiped his fingers on his phone while holding a small latte cup in his other hand.

Katsuki let out a little 'meow' and purred deep in his little chest at his friends clearly missing him dearly. They were in their second year now and Katsuki had warmed up to them, to the point that he would organize little get- togethers for them or movie nights and even sleepovers in his dorm, where he had installed a small Kitchen and bathroom along with a PS4 and all other kinds of things to keep them busy with when they hit together.

"Hey guys!" A soft voice suddenly sounded and Katsuki snapped his head up and 'meowed' softly again when he saw a tall and buff figure suddenly standing at the Baku-squad's table.

Deku... Katsuki said softly in his thoughts.

"Hey man, I thought you were gonna go train with Shinsou?" Kirishima said standing up and giving Midoriya a fist pump, Sero did the same before they sat back down.

Midoriya only shook his head with a little smirk, he had started smirking a lot since they were in their second year instead of the usual sunny smile.

"His family called and he had to head home for the day so we did a rain check till tomorrow" He said and Katsuki's small body did a little shiver. Since he was a kitten his hearing had went up a whole notch and now he could clearly hear the little accent Izuku tries to hide.

Izuku's "R's" are more pronounced and his voice and he sometimes cuts his words short, Russian. But it's not a real surprise since Izuku was born in Russia before his mom moved to Japan after his dad died. But everytime Izuku goes back to visit his grandmother and cousins in Russia and he comes back, his accent is a little more intensified and it makes it hard not to notice it.

That accent of his does weird things to Katsuki's body when he hears it.

"Oh, I hope nothing is wrong" Mina said softly as she took another sip of her Milkshake.
Izuku shook his head and his smirk widened a little. "Nah, I don't think so when he ended the call he was smiling happily"

"That's good then" Sero said and the rest of the table nodded.

"Well, I actually wanted to know if you guys had heard anything from Kacchan yet?" Izuku asked softly and everyone at the table shook their heads.

"Nah man, all we heard was that it was a huge family emergency" Sero said and Izuku sighed softly with a nod. "Yeah, I'll ask my mom if she maybe heard something from Aunt Mitsuki, thanks anyways guys, I'll be on my way now since I think my stomach is planning to kill me" Izuku said with a wide smirk and everyone at the table laughed at his little joke even Katsiki let out a little soft amused 'meow'.

Izuku waved as he walked away and towards his dorm and Katsuki decided to follow him so that he could get to his room too.

They were halfway there when suddenly Izuku stopped and dissapeared suddenly. Katsuki let out a surprised 'Meow' and looked around frantically before he yelped as he was suddenly raised off the ground with large and scarred hands under his soft and delicate belly.

"Got'cha!" A deep voice rumbled from above him. And Katsuki turned his head to see Izuku smirking widely at him.

Get off me you fucker! Katsuki screamed in his head but it came out as a soft 'merow' instead.

"I thought I felt somebody following me but I didn't expect it to be such a cute little kitty" Izuku said Katsuki shivered when he heard the word 'Kitty' come from Izuku's mouth, it sounded oddly arousing and sexy.

Katsuki grumbled at himself and started squirming in Izuku's hands. Let go! 'Meow'

Izuku chuckled as he saw the kitten struggle in his hands and he let it down delicately, he watched as the kitten shook his impossibly soft fur out before he gave Izuku what looked to be death glare causing Izuku to laugh softly.

"You know," Izuku said softly as he crouched down and softly brushed his forefinger over Katsuki's small and soft head making Katsuki hiss softly at him. "You oddly remind me of Kacchan, kitty"

Katsuki froze.


🐬 : lucky charm of the day!

Kacchan the Kitten🧡(DEKUbaku)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz