Kitten🧡^ THREE

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Author : Alright guys, to those who are reading my crappy book, this is where things get a little steamy so please if you're under know what? Fuck it...Enjoy! 🙈🙊🙉

Katsuki sniffled a little when he saw a small plate and a flatter bowl being set down infront of him on he glass coffee table before Izuku picked him up from the loveseat and set him down on the table with another smaller blanket under his paws to keep them from getting cold.

Izuku smiled whe he saw that Katsuki was comfortable before he sat down on one of the couches and started eating and Katsuki was surprised to see that there was a glass of golden liquid on the table, there wasn't much of it in the glass but by one sniff Katsuku could smell that it was whiskey, and the expensive sort too.

What the fuck is going on here? Katsuki thought to himself as he eyed Izuku warily before he ate a small bit if the food infront of him and if he were human he would have instantly moaned.

So good! Katsuki thought as he ate with vigor making Izuku, who was watching him now, laugh softly.
"Its good I'm guessing?" He asked Katsuki and Katsuki let out a soft 'meow' as an answer.

Once Katsuki's plate was half done he leaned over to a flat bowl and took a sip of the creamy white milk in it and sighed in satisfaction afterwards.

Katsuki purred as he looked up at Izuku and found him already staring at him with the glass of whiskey raised to his lips and Katsuki's eyes widened when he saw a cigarette in Izuku's other hand between his fingers.

The fuck? Katsuki thought to himself when he felt a hot tremor go through him, a shiver of pleasure. Since when did the Nerd get so...Hot!? Okay, what the absolute Fuck is going on here!? Could someone please fucking explain why the nerd is suddenly my boyfriend fantasie come true!?

Katsuki watched as Izuku took a small sip of the whiskey and a long drag of the cigarette, he didn't let out the smoke immediately and after a few seconds released the smoke from his lips in small little smoke rings that he blew towards the ceiling with his head tilted back.

"I'm gonna get in so much trouble when someone catches me smoking in UA," he said with his head still tilted back. He then chuckled and looked back at Katsuki sitting on the table on the small blanket. "You won't tell on me, will you Kacchan?" He asked with a soft glint in his eyes before he tilted his head and chuckled again.

"You see kitten, I'm trying to be a Hero and save the world, but I didn't just want to be a Hero, I wanted to be the Hero, but...then i thought to myself..."

What's going on here? Why is talking like he doesn't want it anymore? Katsuki's kitten eyes widened as he let out a soft whine of discomfort. "...I thought about why I wanted to be a Hero so badly...and I couldn't come up with anything...I mean yeah, I want to save people and give them hope and make them feel safe, but more than that...I want to keep someone safe, I want to come home from a long day of Hero work and have someone to give a hug or kiss to, and have them ask me how my day was and I'll ask them too how their day was...then afterwards we would sit at the dinner table and tell jokes or even just lovingly stare at each other and once we've cleaned up we'd bathe eachother and afterwards I'd make sweet sweet love to them..."

Katsuki squirmed on the blanket and looked down at his paws...I-I want that too Deku...I really do, so much...

"But..." Katsuki looked up with interest and his eyes widened when he saw Deku holding something in his hand, a picture. Izuku was smiling at the picture with a warmth and desire that made Katsuki shiver in pleasure.

Must be the person he's talking about...Katsuki thought bitterly as he eyes the picture. Why am I even jealous about this crap!?

"...the truth is that he doesn't even want me...he actually hates me, or sometimes he acts like he hates my guts no matter what I do, and I just can't get right by him" Izuku said with a deep and husky chuckle making Katsuki's fur stand on end.

"But you know what kitty?" Izuku suddenly said, his voice turning deeper and huskier. "...all that rejection and fiery attitude of his, makes me want him even more badly...almost like a drug I can't get enough of, a drug that I want more and more of when I so much as just look at him and see that adorable smirk of his"

Katsuki squirms again at the dark smirk that crept onto Izuku's face.

Just who is this person!? Katsuki let out a soft 'meow' as he stared at the blank back of the picture in interest.

Izuku noticed the kitten staring and smiled softly before he leant down and turned the picture so Katsuki could see the person.

Katsuki's eyes widened and his breath hitched almost painfully in his chest and he stared at the person on the picture...

The person in the picture was smiling softly at a small kitten, his expression was not one of anger but kindness and tenderness. The kitten looked to have been playing with his fingers. The person was still in their school uniform. The setting sunlight that bathed the person and kitten made the moment look innocent and beautiful.

And the person in the picture was non other then Katsuki himself...

Katsuki's fur bristled in distress and shock and he looked at Izuku who was watching him with his head tilted almost adorably, if his eyes wasn't so full of desire and dark promises.

Katsuki's heart was beating erratically in his chest and his pupils was blown wide.



🐚 : lucky charm of the day!

Kacchan the Kitten🧡(DEKUbaku)Where stories live. Discover now