Chapter 18: Tropical Storm Breena

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        Makenna left the Crusha Fruit's carving and started her journey back down the tunnel. Behind her, the wall mashed together again until the next fairy came around.

 While Makenna swam, she bravely clutched the Crusha Fruit and told herself, I am Makenna from Seabrook Island. I will find my way through this dungeon and help my friends. With my knowledge, I will travel to the Bermuda Triangle and defeat the Octopus Man. This quest has proved that to me. A string of blue and pink bubbles trailed behind her as proof that she was almost ready to become a Merfairy.

        Ten minutes later, Makenna saw something that made her day and saved her life. She saw a bright light in front of her.

"A light!" she bubbled. A light meant outside, and outside meant that she was finally going to make it out of the passageway. Could she make it though? She was running out of air! Makenna groaned and reached for her mouth. No, she couldn't run out of air! The end of the passageway was still fairly far, and even when she did make it out, she had no idea how deep the water was here. Makenna tightly closed her eyes and shook her head. Luckily, the water surrounding her came to her rescue. From out of nowhere, a clear whirlpool surrounded the Metamorphic Fairy, and it shoved her out of the passageway into open water. Makenna swam as fast as she could towards surface, and the water gave her another push. At the last second, she burst her head out of cyan water and quickly grabbed a rock. Makenna coughed and tried to catch her breaths. She searched her surroundings to figure out where she was. It was amazing where she ended up. Makenna was back at Coutarine Island's coral reef. The tunnel she explored extended under the whole island and fed out to the ocean. Then that meant,

"Ahh!" Makenna shouted, "I have to find my way back to Silvey and Raeven! Ugh!" She lifted her hand out of the water and examined the glowing Crusha Fruit, "Should I though? I mean, Ash needs this."

        The Metamorphic Fairy soon heard something behind her. A motorboat. Makenna turned her head, and she yelled when she saw a boat speeding right towards her! That was Alice's boat. Makenna didn't know if she and her family could see her. She froze with fear which that made her an open target. The boat crept closer and closer, but she didn't move.

        Just before Makenna could get smacked, a green and blue shadow appeared above her, and somebody grabbed her hand. She was pulled underwater, and the boat zoomed right through the path where she used to float. Whew, that was too close. The person who grabbed Makenna looked rather familiar. He carried a sword and shield on his back.

"Ash!" Makenna yelled underwater. Ash it was. Where did he come from? He was turning into Tracey. He tightly closed his eyes and dragged her back to surface.

        The two teenagers burst their heads out of the ocean, and Makenna quickly swam to Ash. She grabbed him and dragged him towards the beach. Tracey's prediction was correct. A storm was coming. The reef's water turned rough, and they went over a set of waves. One set came from Alice's boat.

Makenna tugged on Ash and yelled at him, "Can't you open your wings and fly us out of this mess?!"

"I-I can't." Ash feebly answered. Makenna didn't even thank him for saving her life.

Her shouting really hurt his head, "What are you talking about?! You're a fairy! A freaking fairy! You can fly!"

"No I can't," spoke Ash.

"What are you talking about?! Of course you can! Just open your wings and flap them!"

"I don't have wings, okay?!" Ash shouted.

        Makenna immediately stopped tugging him.

"What?" she asked. She noticed that a few tears ran down Ash's cheeks.

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