Chapter 10: Aluna!

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Song: "Trinidad and Tobago" - Derek Fiechter

        Once Tracey and Ash let go of each other's hands, Tracey approached Makenna, and she comforted him some more. Ash didn't get in their way. He was more interested in seeking out Evelyn and letting his little "trial" commence. He picked up his sword and put it up. Makenna and Tracey watched as he stepped forward and searched the area.

Ash then turned his head, and his eyes landed on them. "Are y'all ready to see the Aluna Village fairy sprites?" he asked. Makenna and Tracey gestured yes with their heads. Makenna was super excited, but Tracey still was a little edgy being at Coutarine Island. This was because the only memory he had of it was the ICU of the Coutarine Fairy Hospital, the deviled place where he fought for his life for three weeks on a ventilator. Ash smiled and said, "All right then. There's only one way how the sprites will come though, and that's through the power of song and a magic pose."

"The power of song?" Makenna asked, "Oh wow!" She glanced at Tracey, "Tracey likes to sing! Don't you, Tracey? Not to mention, Ash, he has a very nice voice. Merlin told me."

Tracey blushed, "Well, um..."

"Perfect!" Ash cheered. He lifted his hands and excitedly leaped up and down, "Come on, Tracey! You can do it! Bring on the fire, my boy! Show the sprites the power of song and an off the hook magic pose! Makenna's time to shine will eventually come too!"

"I can't." Tracey nervously spoke, but Makenna gently pushed him forward,

"Come on, Trace. You have a great gift of singing. You need to let it show. Besides, doesn't singing usually calm you down?"

"Well yeah," said Tracey, "but only when I'm alone! Not when I'm surrounded by people and animals!"

"There are only a few of us here." Raeven told him, "Remember, Tracey, we're all your friends. You can do it." Ash crossed his arms and smiled an encouraging smile to Merlin's apprentice. He let him take the stage.

        A warm, ocean breeze soared through the tropical jungle and blew Tracey's hair.

        He peered at the treetops and whispered, "All right, the power of song and a magic pose will call the sprites of Aluna. The power of song." Just at the thought of singing, he actually grew a little excited himself. Makenna was right. Tracey really did like to sing. He stole the stage in Mr. Gheesling's class the year before by singing "Ninja Go" in Italian.

        Merlin's apprentice actually managed to crack a feeble smile. Another ocean breeze gushed through his hair, and it was here that Tracey started to sing. Immediately after he did, a bundle of joy exploded through his entire body. Just like Makenna said, he had an amazing voice! Tracey lifted his hand and pointed it at the island's jungle. "Last year, things were much different. We were ready to say goodbye. But now, everything has changed, and we know how to live our lives." Makenna and Ash smiled. Wow, Tracey really did know how to sing. He just made this song up right on the spot, and he ended up smiling throughout the entire performance. Tracey leaned down and ran his hand through the river Makenna drank from earlier, "Last year, none of this was here. This year, we are soaring." 

        Tracey started to march, and he explored the jungle. Still smiling, Makenna and Ash followed him. Raeven though for some reason stayed behind. Gina rested on Tracey's head. While he marched, he sang for just a little bit longer, but then he stopped himself. From there, he attempted a magic pose. He wanted to make Ash the Wizard Fairy proud. He wanted to prove to him that he too was capable of one day becoming a Wizard Fairy. Green and purple magic surrounded him, since green and purple were his theme colors, and he lifted his fists. Tracey acted out six, quick, midair punches, and then he lifted his hand over his head. There was his pose. The magic surrounding him charged into the sky and exploded into a blast of green and purple sparkles that rained down.

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