Chapter 31: The Stuttering Scotsman

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Song: "Ancient Cry" - Russ Landau

        As the sun started to descend from the sky, Coutarine Island's Celt Tip started to quiet down. The only sound outside came from Harmony prancing in circles just outside of the Wizard Fairy's house, who had still not been found, but he let Ash use his house since they were good friends. The horse kicked up sand as she paced and every once in a while glanced up to the house. All she wanted in life was to just feel Ash's arms wrapped around her neck again. Would she ever experience that again though? Would Ash ever be the same?

        Inside the Wizard Fairy's house, Dr. Snugglekins whipped up a pot of tea. He used a camping stove since the house didn't have a built-in stove of its own. Merlin sat in one of the gray-clothed chairs with leaf and white flower designs and was thoughtfully scratching his beard. Selene on the other hand was over at the bed where Ash rested comfortably under the covers. She had pulled up a wooden chair up next to it so she could be with her apprentice. He wasn't asleep yet – he was just resting his eyes.

While he rested, Selene gently massaged his cheek and pulled hair out of his face. "Please," she silently begged, "I just want my carefree apprentice back." With that brain injury though, she didn't know if it was possible. Her biggest fear was that she was going to have to take care of him like a little child the rest of his life, and fairies lived quite a long time – about 300 years. Dr. Snugglekins soon finished with the tea, and he grabbed a tray from a cabinet. He put the kettle on it, as well as four tea cups, and a few cookies.

Coming within reach of Merlin, he asked him, "You're thinking about your own apprentice, right?" Merlin said not a word but went ahead and nodded. The doctor offered him some tea, and the wizard took a cup. He didn't feel like a cookie right now. His mind was too focused on Tracey. As the doctor passed him, he smiled and said, "Hey, don't worry. I'm sure Tracey's fine." Next, he shuffled over to the bed where Selene and Ash were, "Aluna, Selene. Has he fallen asleep yet?"

"No, sir." Selene nervously answered with a shake of her head.

Dr. Snugglekins smiled, "Oh, good!" He was trying to be positive during this critical time of Ash's recovery. Leaning in towards him, he asked, "Why don't you go ahead and open your eyes for me, Ash?" and Ash did. He could hear him, and that was a very good sign. It meant that the brain injury hadn't affected his hearing. "Good boy." Dr. Snugglekins continued. He offered the tray of tea and cookies to him next, "I have here some delicious Coutarinian tea. It's a very common tea here on Coutarine Island, made from the spices and berries that only grow in the island's jungles. It is also a great remedy for concussion victims. I'll tell ya, kid, one sip of this tea, and your headache will vanish. I put a little juice from the Crusha Fruit in it, so it will also help you get a good night sleep tonight." Ash gave him a funny look when he said this. Could he trust this guy?

Selene soon patted his shoulder and said, "Listen to him, son. He's a doctor."

A doctor? Ash thought to himself, I thought doctors were for sick people, but I'm not sick! What are these peoples' problem? He honestly was still a bit creeped out with these three random people, especially the female fairy next to him who kept on touching him. That was a little weird when an old person did it to someone who was only eighteen years old, especially an eighteen-year-old fairy. Ash even shivered a bit at this thought.

        Dr. Snugglekins soon handed him a cup of tea, as well as a cookie, and he told Selene, "Madam Selene, the boy's able to think, and that's a good omen, but his mind is still a total blank. He just can't remember us."

Remember? Ash asked himself next, What's with this whole remember thing? I've never seen you people in my life.

Selene met eyes with the doctor and explained in a choked voice, "I know. He can't even remember Harmony. Her heart's been shattered. She didn't eat her hay tonight. Oh, doc, will my apprentice ever be the same again?"

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