Chapter Fifty-One: Sunny, Summer, 2009

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No fool, this wife of his. He needed to reassure her. "I remember you asking that question about Lauren, too," he said. "She's just an old friend I finally reunited with, and I'm happy she's back in my life again."

Tej raised one eyebrow at him in a way that said, be very careful what you say next, Mister. He cleared his throat as the elevator doors opened and they knocked on the door to Rachel's apartment.

The woman who opened the door was radiant, and Tej might have been right to worry. This was the Rachel he remembered, the girl who'd inspired his first sexual fantasy at eleven, all grown up now, dressed smartly in grey slacks and a sky-blue blouse. She welcomed them in, and then he saw Al standing there, in khakis and a red polo shirt. He saw Al's eyes widen when he saw Tej, and now he wondered if he should be worrying, too.

"Rachel, Al," he said, "I'd like you to meet Tej."

Al couldn't take his eyes off her as he took her hand. "It's a pleasure to meet the woman who could whip this punk into shape," he said.

Tej laughed in that full-throated way that was sure to make Al fall in love with her. It had certainly done the trick on Sunny when they'd first met. "It took a while, but I trained him right," she said. "It's nice to finally meet the two of you. I've known Joe and Lauren a while, but you two remained elusive for years. He's told me so much about you."

Al smiled. "All good, I hope."

"Ehhhh," she said, making a comme ci, comme ca gesture with her hand. That made him laugh out loud.

"Do you all want something to drink?" Rachel asked. "I have wine."

"Oh, sorry, Rachel," Tej said. "We don't drink alcohol."

"Oh, shoot, sorry," Rachel said, laughing awkwardly. "I have sparkling water."

"Perfect," they said together, then they brightened and turned to each other. "Jinx! Buy me a coke!"

Al shook his head at their antics. "I'll have wine, Rachel."

She turned to him and mouthed thank you. It seemed she needed a little lubrication for this soiree, and she didn't want to drink alone.

A phone rang while she was opening the wine, Rachel's most likely, and Joe and Lauren filled Rachel's TV screen. There must have been a security camera at the door so residents could see who was calling on them, and the video feed could be viewed on a select channel. This must have been how they appeared when they arrived.

"Want me to answer that for you?" Al called to Rachel.

"Yes! Just answer and then press nine on the phone, thanks!"

He picked up her phone from the coffee table and answered. "Hey, guys!" he said.

Joe leaned into the speaker and said something only Al could hear. "Yeah, just answering for Rachel while she's pouring the wine," Al said. "Everyone's here, come on up!"

He pressed 9 and they entered. He put the phone down and turned to Sunny and Tej. "Oh, hey, how's Harpreet?" he asked.

Tej looked questioningly at Sunny, who blinked and said, "Oh, yeah, she's flu-free. Ajit, too." He smiled at his wife. "That's why I was able to bring you today, sweetie," he said, mentally willing her to remember what they'd discussed about his lie last week.

She must have remembered, because she nodded and grimaced. "Kids and flu. Not a good combination. It's nice I can finally be out among adults."

An awkward silence ensued until Rachel brought their drinks.

Joe seemed to fill the room when he entered, and the juxtaposition with his wife was almost comical. Lauren was in a leather jacket and jeans today, and it suited her better than the pretty blouse and slacks she wore last week. Joe was in roomy khakis and a short-sleeved, collared button-down shirt in blue.

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