Chapter Thirty-Seven: Lauren, Friday

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Session three.

Penny Watson eyed the couple in front of her, Lauren practically in Joe's lap, arms around each other, and said, "I take it the two of you have progress to report."

"We do," Lauren said. "We've built on the progress we achieved at the end of last week's session."

"Yes, if I remember correctly," Penny said with a smirk, "Joe carried you in his arms back to my office, and it wasn't kicking and screaming either, as I might have predicted given how you stormed out of here earlier in that session."

"I think coming back helped," Lauren said. "Something about not giving up, and continuing to talk it out, has helped us reach a breakthrough."

"It doesn't hurt that Rachel and Al bought their new place and are moving out very soon," Joe said. "I can look forward to coming home."

"I noticed you blush when you mentioned Rachel and Al, Joe," Penny said. "Am I missing something?"

"Okay, something happened on Tuesday," Lauren admitted. "It was completely impulsive, and unexpected, but wild and wonderful."

Joe looked to Lauren, puzzled, "I thought you and Rachel planned it."

Lauren suddenly remembered the ruse she was supposed to be playing and said, "Well, yes, but we weren't sure you'd take us up on it, since you were so opposed to the idea before. I'm just saying I'm glad you did."

"Me too. Do you think she'd want to again?"

Lauren's mouth dropped open. "Uh..."

"Hold on! Hold on!" Penny exclaimed, raising her hands. "What happened on Tuesday?"

Now it was Lauren's turn to blush. "Joe came by the house on Tuesday morning, after the kids were at school and Al went to work. We had sex."

"And did you say Rachel was there too?"

"Yes. She joined in."

Penny's mouth dropped open. "Rachel participated in a threesome with the two of you? Why?"

"We were trying to balance the scales, to make up for the times I've been with her and Al."

"And you thought this would make Joe feel better about your infidelity, Lauren?"

"Well... I don't know." She turned to Joe and asked, "Does it?"

Joe cleared his throat and said, "No, but now I can't really be high handed about it either."

"Because this is now the second time you've been with Al's wife," Penny clarified. "By the way, has she told Al about this?"

"I don't think so," Lauren said.

"Has it occurred to you that Rachel might now be jeopardizing her marriage with Al?"

"I have no sympathy for Al," Joe said. "He's been allowed to sail through this whole thing unscathed, in my opinion. If he suffers even a little of what I've suffered these past few months, maybe it will make him think twice about taking liberties with my wife next time."

"And Rachel? Have you considered how she'll suffer if they split up?"

Joe shrugged and said, "Well, of course I'd rather they didn't, not if it will make her suffer like I have."

"Have you suffered, Joe?" Penny asked.

"Of course I have," he said indignantly. "I've been away from my kids for months, seeing them only occasionally to bring them to church and other small activities. I hate not being there with them at night, making sure they're safe. Then there's my parents, who can't even look me in the eye anymore, because they think I've left my family. Lauren's parents won't even talk to me. And what can I tell any of them? I can't badmouth Lauren to them and say she's just as culpable, because my parents don't need another reason to be smug about her being the wrong choice for me, and Mr. Hasegawa would come after me with the wooden sword he uses to train my kids with for saying anything against his daughter." His bark of laughter suddenly morphed into an ugly sob. "It sucks, you know?" he blubbered, face contorted in anguish.

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