chapter twenty nine

Start from the beginning

"Have you seen that controller console? It has like a million buttons." Benny grins excitedly, ignoring Ethan's attempt at an insult.

"Don't you think it sounds cool, babe?" Benny asks the brunette, slinging his arm around her shoulders. She snaps out of her thoughts when Benny's arm met her shoulder, "Wha-oh, yeah, it does."

"You ok?" He asks quietly, not wanting to alarm Ethan about Mary's dreams, "Are you still thinking about the nightmare?"

Mary shrugs and avoids his gentle gaze, "Kinda. It's hard not to think about it, really."

Benny gives her a sympathetic smile and small peck on the top of her head. "I know. Hey, why don't you sign up for the play, too? It'd be a good distraction and you can help me with the lights and stuff." He beams.

Mary smiles softly at him, he knew her so well, a distraction like the play is exactly what she needed. "Yeah, that sounds good. Count me in."

"You too, Mary? Well, at least you can babysit Benny so he doesn't make lightning and burn everyone's hair off. Again." Ethan chimes in.

Benny rolls his eyes, "Eyebrows don't count as hair."

The three reach the sign up sheet, just as Erica and Sarah arrived at it. "Oh hey, you guys signing up for the play, too?" Sarah asks.

"Well me and Mary are, but Ethan here is being a little crabby about it." Benny sneers sarcastically. Ethan rolls his eyes, "Sorry that I don't wanna see you burning down the auditorium because you decided the show needed flare."

Mary chuckles, "Don't worry, Ethan, I'll babysit your boyfriend."

"Haha." The two boys say in unison.

"Oh! That's it," the drama teacher, Miss. LOL appears behind the five, "Let the eagles of creativity sore!" Erica ignores the teacher while she scribbles down her name on the sheet, Miss. LOL continues on, "I'm off to make copies of this wonderful script." She lets out a happy chuckle and goes to open the dusty book in her hands.

She struggles with it, the old book seemed to be almost glued shut. "Looks like it doesn't wanna open." Ethan states.

"It didn't wanna be found either," Miss. LOL laughs, "hiding away inside a basement wall for 25 years and I - " she pauses when she eventually pries the book open, the sound causing the five to jump, "dug it out!  Haha, ooh." She sighs, "There we go. Should be clear sailing from here." She beams at the kids then heads off down the hall.

"Hey, Mary, you wanna come watch Erica audition?" Sarah asks her friend with a hopeful gleam in her eye.

"I don't know, I'm not even auditioning I was just gonna sign up for crew." Mary shrugs.

"Please, Mary? I could really use the extra moral support." Erica pouts, her perfectly shaped eyebrows raising in hope.

Mary sighs in defeat, "Fine, I'll come. But I'm not reading anything." She points her finger at the two, "I mean it."


"The sun, warms the lake with her love!" Erica shouts in an overly enthusiastic voice, "She smiles, the water to the sky! It falls back down to the ground, to hug, every flower and every tree!"

Mary winces at Erica's insanely bad acting. As much as she loves her blonde friend, Mary doesn't think she'll be crossing off "Getting the lead in the school play" off her long bucket list anytime soon.

Sarah shoots Mary a look similar to hers, then nudges her arm and averts her eyes to the script in Mary's hands. "No, I told you I'm not doing it." She hisses at Sarah.

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