chapter seventeen

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7:45 pm

"Awe man, why couldn't we be at home, watching So You Think You Can Fly? Eating a triple meat lovers pizza, with extra meat." Benny whines. Mary, Benny, and Ethan were currently sitting under a table in a chemistry classroom, hiding from the horror outside.

"Yeah, instead our teachers could bash in here at any second, and scoop out our brains like chip dip!" Ethan cries. Mary clutches Benny's arm, "This is so not what I had in mind for tonight. I would actually rather be working right now." Mary adds.

Suddenly, they hear a loud bang, the three start to huddle closer together. Benny hugs Mary closer to him. "Think we could outrun them?" He asks desperately. "I don't have to outrun them, I just have to outrun you two!" Ethan retorts. Mary scoffs, "Ya know I think they'd go for your brain first there, honor roll."

Benny couldn't help but chuckle at her burn, but it was cut short by the sound of a banging on the door. The three gasp when they see the zombie teachers pressed up against the window. "Where's Sarah? We could really use her help right now." Ethan cries.

"I don't think she was in a very helping mood today." Benny adds. Mary rolls her eyes. "Oh please."

9 1/2 hours earlier
9:15 am

"I'm not breaking any arms or smashing anyone through walls just because they called you...what was it?" Sarah asks Ethan and Benny, while Mary stands next to her crossing her arms in agreement.


"Benny Rabbit."

Mary lets out a snort and Sarah tries to hold back her laughter. "It's not what he says, it's how he says it." Benny replies.

Behind them, a teacher clears their throat and tells them to hurry to class. "Right with you, sir. If we're not there in five minutes start boring kids without us." Benny jokes. "We'll be right there, sir." Ethan adds.

"Forget it. I have a field trip to the art gallery, lucky me." Sarah says with a sigh. "Honestly, I'd rather go to an art gallery than sit through an hour of history." Mary adds and Sarah chuckles.

"I'll walk with you, Mary," Sarah turns back to the guys, "Later Teethan." She laughs, and Mary adds, "Benny Rabbit." And the girls head the opposite way.

"It sounds cute when she says it." Benny says with a sheepish grin. Ethan nods in agreement.

9 1/2 hours later
7:48 pm

The three huddle closer together under the table as the teachers continue to bang on the door. "We're so dead!" Benny cries.

"This is not fair, why couldn't we get some kind of sign that this was gonna happen?" Mary whines. Ethan nods, "Just a hint, would've been nice."

9:16 am

Mary sits in her history class, jotting down the notes on the board.

"And that's how the the battle" The teacher starts to mumble, gazing at the board as if he was in a fog. Mary looks up and scrunches her brows, then shrugs, she probably just misheard him.

7:53 pm

Ethan had gotten up and started hitting the teachers arms that had broken through the glass on the door with a fire extinguisher. Mary huddles closer to Benny, and he wraps his arms around her, "I guess this is an epic way to go, huh?" Benny jokes, trying to lighten the mood. Mary rolls her eyes, "Yeah, totally. This was definitely the way I wanted to go! Death by teachers eating my brain!"

Ethan starts to spray the fire extinguisher at the zombies, not thinking much of it, but it actually works and they all yell and fall back. He gasps, "They hate this stuff!" He turns back to other two, "If it lasts long enough, we should be able to hold them off until Sarah gets back."

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