chapter nineteen

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6:50 pm

"Of course, the one time we get free pizza is when your mom is treating us." Benny says with a huff.

"The guy still has," Ethan looks at his watch, "2 minutes and 49 seconds left." Benny scoffs, "Zero chance in that rust bucket. Which reminds me, limo or jet pack?"


"Our ride to the fly off to the moon dance," Benny says matter of factly. "You already know my pick, but, you think the chicks will dig a stretch?"

"What chicks?"

"Jet pack it is!"

Ethan sighs, "Benny, I think I'm out."

"What?" Benny shrieks, "We gotta go! I can't ask Mary to dance without you there for moral support! You know how bad of a dancer I am! Plus, jet packs!"

"I don't know, ever since we dug up the cubile animus and Sarah got possessed and trashed the house, I've kinda felt like laying low." Ethan explains. "You can lay low when you're dead, these are the best years of our lives!" Benny says.


"I really hope not."


7:15 pm

After a long afternoon at work, Mary was ready to curl up in bed and pass out for the night.

She was about to be around the corner from her house, when she hears a growl like sound erupting from the bushes. She stops, ready to either run from or throw something at whatever was there, but nothing came out. She shrugs and continues on her way.

A sudden cold breeze hits the back of her neck, a firm hand grasps her wrist and turns her around, "Eleanor?"

Mary yelps and snatches her hand away, "Get off me!" The stranger backs up, raising their hands, "Easy, I'm not gonna hurt you. I just wanna talk to you."

"Yeah, no thanks." Mary scoffs, and starts to walk away but he moves in front of her in impossible speed. "What the-how did you do that?" She screeches. He chuckles, "Funny, Eleanor."

"Who's Eleanor? Look, dude I think you've got the wrong girl. Now if you'll excuse me," Mary says, attempting to push him out of her way but he stops her. "I don't have the wrong girl, I could pick out Eleanor in any crowd. Just, talk to me, please?" He begs.

"I'm not Eleanor, ok? Beat it." She snaps.

"Yes, you are. You have to be Eleanor Sawyer. Look I know you hate me but if you could just-"

"Wait," Mary stops him, "Did you say Eleanor Sawyer?" He nods. Mary scrunches her brows, "That was my mother's maiden name."

"Mother? She...she had a kid?" He says, his voice straining. "How did you know her?" Mary asks. He ignores her question, looking lost in thought for a minute. "What's your full name?" He asks.

"Answer my question first." She snaps. He sighs, "I met her when she first moved to Whitechapel 30 years ago."

"How is that possible?" Mary asks, studying him, "You look only like 18." He huffs and opens his mouth ajar to reveal a pair of fangs. Her eyes widen and she screams. "Stop, stop! I'm not gonna hurt you." He says through clenched teeth, grabbing her wrists. She tries to move away from his grip but, of course, he was strong. "Now, answer my question. What. Is. Your. Full. Name." He snaps.

"It's Mary Wheeler, now let go of me!" She spats. A disappointed look washes over his face, and he lets go of her wrists, "She had a kid with Mason? She married him?"

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