chapter fifteen

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"I got my lucky socks, clean shirt, and a fresh bottle of cologne." Ethan says to Benny on video call. He was planning on asking Sarah out today, but Benny wasn't being helpful at boosting his confidence at the moment.

"Dude, you have absolutely no game."

Ethan scoffs, "and you do? You literally had a sleepover with Mary what like last weekend? Yet, you still haven't asked her out!"

"Shut up. It's not as easy as it sounds. I don't even know if she really likes me." Benny retorts.

Ethan rolls his eyes. "Dude, she wouldn't have let you sleep over-not to mention in the same bed as her-if she didn't like you. Just. Do. It." Ethan states, pointing a finger at him to enunciate.

Benny groans, "can we just drop it? Last time I checked this conversation was supposed to be about your pathetic love life, not mine." He crosses his arms and slumps back in his computer chair in a huff.

He wants to ask Mary out, but he's too scared of getting rejected. Sure it happened to him all the time with other girls, but he didn't want that to happen with Mary. He's worried if she rejected him it would mess up their friendship.

Ethan sighs, "fine


"Wait, you and Benny did what?!"

Mary was on the phone with Sarah while getting ready for school, she had just told her about what happened last weekend with Benny.

"We had a sleepover. Nothing happened, okay, if that's what your fishing for. We just slept in the same bed and I woke up with him hugging me, no big deal." Mary says. But it is a big deal to her, she hasn't stopped thinking about that morning.

Mary woke up with the sun on her face, and Benny's arms around her. She blushed when she noticed it. She rubbed her eyes, then reached over to check the time on her phone. "Shit!"

Mary quickly tried to get up from the bed, but Benny grabbed her waist, "Noooo" he whined, "I wanna sleep in."

"Benny I have to be at work in twenty minutes." Mary said with a laugh. "Call in sick." He mumbled with his face buried into the pillow. "I can't, I kinda need the money to live." Mary said, ruffling his hair.

"But that was the best sleep I've had in like four months. It's like you give me the ability to sleep through the night." He said, looking up at her with a pout on his face.

Mary's heart soared and her cheeks turned red, "yeah, me too. But I can't skip work today, okay? You can always come over again another night."

Benny groaned and removed his arms, "fineee."

"I can't believe I'm just hearing about this now! And Mary, that is a huge deal! He likes you, he definitely does. Just ask him out!" Sarah exclaims.

"You don't know that for sure, okay?" Mary insists, "and besides, I don't even know if I want to date him. I don't wanna hurt our friendship."

"But it wouldn't! You guys are perfect for each other." Sarah replies.

"Can we just drop this now?" Mary whines.

Sarah groans, "fine."


"Hey, I've been meaning to ask you, how have your dreams been? You haven't mentioned them lately and you seem like less of a zombie now." Ethan asks Benny while they walk to their lockers.

"Actually, I haven't had the nightmare in like a week. It's weird. They just stopped all of a sudden." Benny replies with a shrug.

"That's a good thing then, maybe now you can catch up on your sleep." Ethan says.

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