chapter twenty four

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(second part of the car episode)

Benny taps his pencil anxiously against his desk, him and Ethan looking out the window at the troubling car in the parking lot.

"That car has been quiet for years," Ethan whispers to him, "So, what's making it all road-ragey now?"

Benny shrugs while taking down notes from the board, "I bet it's ghost free warranty expired."

"Maybe my psychic energy gave it a jumpstart, and then it had that squirrels nest for breakfast. And then, bam, vampire car lives again." Ethan states.

Benny sighs and faces him, "Okay, so how do we stop a vampire possessed car? Cut off it's headlights? Cover it in garlic?"

Ethan rolls his eyes, "It's a car, Benny, not a pizza."

"Fine, okay, so cover it in hot cheese first, then-"

"No," Ethan scoffs, "The car isn't the problem; the vampire possessing it is. You think you got a spell to cast him out?"

Benny chuckles then smirks, "Is my name Benny the magic man Mephistopheles?"


"Well it will be...someday."

The bell rings then, and Ethan hurriedly puts his stuff in his bag. "Okay, let's go stop this ghoul."

"Whoa, hold up," Benny stops him, "Maybe you should stay here. Everyone still thinks you're hurting people with that car."

"True," Ethan nods, "And if it runs you over next, I shouldn't be anywhere near it."

"Exactly," Benny shrugs, then turns to him in confusion, "Wait, what?"

Ethan sighs and places a reassuring hand on Benny's shoulder. "You can do it, magic man." Benny looks at him with scared eyes. "And if you can't, do what I do; call Sarah for help. Or Mary."

Benny nods, looking out the window at the car. He swallows a lump in his throat and darts out of the room. "Hey, there you are." Mary calls from around the corner, Sarah beside her.

"Hey, you wanna come watch me expel a ticked off ghost from a car?" Benny says, trying to use fake confidence to hide his fear.

"What? Benny, are you sure you can do this? I mean, I don't doubt your skills but this is something out of your usual comfort zone." Mary replies, crossing her arms, "I don't want you getting hurt."

"And I love that you worry about me, but I'll be fine. Come on, I'll prove it to you." He says, entwining his arm around her shoulders.

"This oughta be good." Sarah adds, following the two out of the school to the parking lot.

As they get closer to the car, Mary notices Erica and Rory by it. Rory was bent over the drivers seat, while Erica leans against the car, looking around.

"What're you guys doing?" Benny asks once he notices them. Erica coughs and her voice goes up an octave, "Nothing." Rory ignores her response with his own, "We're getting Ethan out of trouble by stealing his car."

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