chapter twenty one

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Mary gazes at the bustle of people outside the small cafe whilst trying to shield the blinding sun from her eyes. She smiles at the couples walking along the beach, the few people walking their dogs on the boardwalk, and the people sitting at other tables with their laptops open and cappuccinos sitting next to them.

The two months in California were something that Mary never realized she needed, she felt all the pain and exhaustion and anxiety from last semester melt away as soon as she step foot into the sunny state.

She takes a bite of her croissant and shuffles comfortably into her seat, when her phone rings. She grins at the display name, "Benny Rabbit."

"Well hello, stranger." Mary says.

Mary could practically hear him smile on the other end. "Good morning babe, you sound happy. Usually when I call you at this time you're all groggy. Isn't it like 7:00 am there right now?" Benny asks. Mary chuckles, "Yeah, but I got up early today because I wanted to enjoy my last week here as much as I could, so I could cross off more stuff on my summer bucket list, and waking up early to go to a cafe was number 6."

"Well I'm glad you're making progress on that." Benny replies. He plops down onto his computer chair and glances at his calendar, specifically the big blue circle around the 28th. "I can't wait for you to come back. I miss you."

Mary's cheeks go red while she sips her coffee, "I miss you too. Just one more week."

"One more week." Benny repeats.

"Have you or Ethan heard from Sarah yet? He's been calling me at least once every other day asking if I've heard from her." Mary asks. Sarah has been living in the back of Mary's mind the past two months, she's been really worried about her friend.

"No, we haven't. I'm worried about him, he's been going crazy trying to get in touch with her." Benny replies. "I can imagine, after what she did for him, I'd be the same way." Mary says.

Benny nods then glances at his watch, "Shoot, I'm supposed to go to breakfast with my mom in five minutes." Mary takes another bite of her croissant, then sits back into her seat. "I'm glad things have been going so well with you guys, I know how stressed you were about her coming to see you this summer."

"Yeah, it's actually been good. I just wish she could meet you before she left." Benny says, then immediately coughs, "Uh, I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that I know it's probably too soon-"

Mary smiles down at her book on the table. "Benny, it's okay. That was really sweet, actually." "Really?" Benny grins, sitting up straighter in his seat.

"Yeah, it's sweet that you thought of introducing us. It means you care, sweetie, relationship 101." Mary says with a chuckle. He laughs in response, "Well than I guess I'm moving up in that class. I gotta head out though, babe. I'll call you tonight?"

Mary nods, "Can't wait. Have a good breakfast with your mom, Benny Rabbit." He chuckles at the nickname, then ends the call with the biggest smile on his face. He couldn't wait to see Mary again, they've been calling each other every day since Mary left, and had the best long conversations. Although it's been amazing, he missed having her there.

They've been together for two months, but it's been mostly on the phone, and a small part of him is worried they won't be able to pick up where they were the day she left.

As he picks up his bag and heads for the door, his phone goes off. He glances to see a text from Mary, a picture of her smiling with her coffee in her other hand and the beach behind her. He grins at his phone, then another text comes through.

Mary: wish you were here! the coffee here is ridiculously expensive, can't wait to go to Shelly's again with u <3
Benny: wish u were here too, can't wait to spoil u with it <3

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