chapter six

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Benny checks the clock on his phone for the tenth time in the last two minutes.

He doesn't want to be late, especially not today. He tries his best to calm his nerves by paying attention to his surroundings. He focuses on the smell of the coffee grounds, the hissing of the espresso machine...


Benny's mind wanders to Mary. He hopes she likes this, he felt so bad about his joke yesterday, he wants to try and make things better. Of course, if this makes her see him in a different way, that wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.

"Next? Sir!"

Benny snaps out of his thoughts, "Oh! Sorry." He says and awkwardly hurries over to the register.

"Hi, um, so this is a weird question but uh, I wanted to get this girl that I kinda like breakfast because she doesn't have any food at her house right now, what should I get?" He asks nervously.

The barista chuckles, "Oh my god that's adorable. I have the perfect order I'm sure she'll like. Coffee too?" She says.

"I think so? I don't really know if she's a coffee person, but hey why not. I wanna guess an oat milk latte I think? I mean I know she can't have a lot of milk or else she'll feel sick but I don't know if she likes oat, ugh I should've asked her." Benny rambles.

The barista smiles "I think that'll work. So that's a croissant, hash browns, and a small iced oat milk latte. Anything for you?"

"Uhm, no I'm okay. That's it." He replies, fumbling in his bag to find his wallet.

"Alright, that'll be $10.75." She says.


Before he left, the barista smiles at him while handing him the order, "you better ask this girl out soon."

Benny laughes nervously, "yeah if I ever get the guts to."


Benny doesn't even stop to see Ethan first, he goes straight for Mary's locker.

When he approaches the hall, he stops when he sees her. Benny takes a shaky breath, 'why am I so nervous? It's just Mary, she's just my friend. My friend that may be the person I'm supposed to be with of course, but... oh who am I kidding.'

He shakes his head and walks over to her, "Surpriseeee." He sings, showing Mary the bag and the coffee.

Mary's eyes widen and she laughs, "Benny! Oh my god you didn't have to do this."

Benny shrugs, "well I wanted to. I felt bad about my joke yesterday, and I figured you probably didn't eat again this morning so..." he trails off, waving the bag.

Mary smiles wide and takes the bag and the drink, "I can't believe you did this for me."

He smiles back, "I had to guess on the coffee, I mean the barista said it sounded good but I wasn't sure."

Mary takes a small sip and instantly smiles again, "it's perfect."

She was overwhelmed by this gesture, no one has gone out of their way to do something so thoughtful for her. "Well, there's more where this came from until you get your microwave." He says, playfully hitting her arm.

Mary's cheeks flush and she can't help but smile at him again. 'He's such a sweetheart, how is he still single? Gosh does he always looks this cute, he has such a sweet smile and nice eyes. Wait am I really thinking these things, or is it just because he got me coffee? No, no I'm not thinking that, that would be crazy.'

In Your Dreams || Benny Weir COMPLETED Where stories live. Discover now