Chapter 6-Trying Times

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As they returned to the arena, Fishlegs was pacing and the twins were fighting in who got which head of the zippleback. Stormfly tossed snotlout onto the ground, who grunted as he hit the stone.
"Astrid! Snotlout! Your ok!" Fishlegs exclaimed as he went over to them.
"Of course we're ok," Astrid started but never got to finish Because she was cut off by hiccup.
"Luckily. You both got lucky that You are ok. First, snotlout that was the dumbest thing I have ever seen you do and I can recall a lot of dumb things you have done," hiccup started, getting a grumbled sigh from snotlout as he stood up.
"And Astrid, out of all people I expected you to at least listen a little bit. But no you disobeyed direct orders," hiccup walked up closer to her as she got off her dragon.
"Listen hiccup, I'm sorry, I couldn't just sit here and do-"
"But you did a wonderful job flying your dragon," hiccup complimented, putting a hand on her shoulder. It shocked everyone when he continued, "you stayed in control by showing her trust, and letting her do most of the flying. I'm not going to lie, I am impressed."
Astrid looked at him, shocked as everyone else before she smiled. She kinda pushed his hand off, "just watched how you did it I guess. They just need some appreciation."
Hiccup looked at her for a moment, before to everyone else.
"Well, looks like I underestimated you, maybe you all can train dragons," hiccup stated, before glancing at snotlout, "most of you."
Snotlout nervously laughed, but Astrid stepped next to him and could tell what he was thinking, "we all just started, even he deserves a second chance."
Hiccup looked between her and the idiot Viking. And after a moment he sighed, "fine. But if he tries a stunt like that again I am not the one going after him."
Astrid took this as a win and followed him as he went over to the other group.
"So, for those who got close with their dragons, what are their names?" Hiccup asked, trying to not sound as mad as he was.
"I named mine meatlug," Fishlegs said, as he gave his dragon a head scratch, "and she is very sweet."
"I've got barf!" Ruffnut yelled, as one head dropped down next to her.
"And I got belch!" Tuffnut stated as the other head of the hideous zippleback came down next to him.
Astrid crossed her arms, looking to hiccup, "And if you don't remember, mine is stormfly."
"Great. Now that you all have a connection, we can start flying. As I told Astrid, she showed a great representation of letting the dragon doing the flying, not you," hiccup explained again, just to them instead.
"Wait so what about your dragon? You seem to do a lot of control on your dragon, with some tail control contraption," snotlout accused, having literally no clue what he's talking about.
Hiccup glared at him before he looked at toothless and motioned for him to come over, and he did. Toothless rubbing into hiccup slightly, and hiccup gave him pets with a smile before he moved to the tail and lifted it. And he disconnected the leather tail and held it up to them.
"This is the fake tail I made just yesterday, it's not uncommon for them to break. So I've memorized how to make them. But I'm the reason he lost half of his tail," hiccup looked at the tail, and he was nudged by toothless, and he looked to him and put the tail down and went over to his dragon and pet him.
"The night I said I took down a night fury. It was him. I found him and found out I...just couldn't kill him. And I doubted I'd be able to kill another dragon without good reason. So, I trained him. I found ways to let him fly, but I have to ride him to make the tail move," hiccup continued telling the story while everyone listened in silence, "while I was doing the old dragon training with all of you, I found things that made dragons calm down, or even become incapacitated without hurting them. That's how I got so much better. My only downfall was going too far and winning the last fight before I had to kill a dragon. I couldn't do it, I wouldn't do it. So I left instead. Packed my things and left on toothless."
Astrid thought back to the day she saw a black dragon flying out of the cove, the last day anyone saw hiccup. She looked at him, he was looking down so she couldn't even read his expression.
Hiccup went and picked up the tail, and latched it back onto toothless. patting his night fury before standing back up and looking at the rest of them.
"Hiccup, I'm sorry," Astrid apologized, for everything that happened even though it wasn't her fault.
"No, it's fine. And-plus I think that's enough training and questioning for the day," hiccup stated since everyone was listening. They all seemed upset it was over, other than snotlout. Astrid looked with disappointment, and the twins and fishlegs weren't that much different. Hiccup watched all of them go to the dragons and pet them before they went to leave. He looked to toothless before letting out a quiet sigh and looking back at all of them.
"And I better see you all tomorrow. There is still a lot more to learn," was all hiccup was able to get out before Fishlegs and the twins yelped with excitement. Astrid looking to hiccup with a smile, before dragging the lot of them out.
Hiccup shook his head lightly, "what am I doing toothless?"
Toothless only trilled in response, hitting him in the face with his tail. Hiccup grunted and pushed it away, "yes I know, not a great idea...but maybe we're wrong. And I've been one to give chances...well was.."
"So why are we doing this again?" Snotlout asked, but not looking for an answer, "because I don't want to ride a dragon those things are dangerous Astrid!"
Astrid looked at him with a powerful glare, "you aren't backing out. You wanted to ride that dragon you just did it like a complete idiot."
"Riding dragons?" A deeper voice came from in front of them and they all looked, Stoick the vast.
"Uhm, well, yes you see," Astrid began to explain, and to panic again, "the way I thought hiccup would stay is if he thought we wanted to help the dragons and not hurt them..."
Stoick seemed to stand and think about this, before nodding, "alright. As long as you can convince him they have no place among Vikings."
"O-of course," Astrid faltered slightly, putting her hands up as in a surrendered agreement.
"Good," and he walked off to continue his chiefly duties. Astrid letting out a breath she Didn't know she was holding as he left their view.
Fishlegs came up next to her, "do you really want to stop hiccup?" He asked, his voice quavering.
" Fishlegs I don't."

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