Chapter 2-The Agreements

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everyone stood in silence, as the crackle of a fire in the night fury's mouth was the only sound heard. The boy, Hiccup, put a hand on the night fury's head, and the crackling was snuffed.
"I haven't been called that in a long time. Stoick the vast," hiccup said with a tinge of rage that rang through his voice.
"son," Stoick started, "where did you go-why were riding the dragon king?"
Astrid stepped forward looking at hiccup, "chief...I think he is the dragon king."
"what? but he is a Viking-"
"I am not a Viking. you all kill dragons and I will make sure you are all first before any of my dragons get even a scratch from one of your swords," hiccup interrupted. "Now if we are done with the fire and iron, let's talk like civilized people."
"but us Vikings don't do that," Gobber spoke up, getting a glare from Stoick before stepping back.
hiccup rolled his eyes, and put the sword back in its sheath, and looked the chief of the hooligan tribe dead in the eye, "no, but leaders do."
Stoick straightened his posture, looking down at his son. he changed much more than most do in four years. The chief had a short nod and short response, "me and you. The great hall."
Hiccup nodded and went to mount the night fury, and Stoick spoke up.
"Without company. No dragons. No other Vikings."
"You think I'm that incompetent? I'm not leaving toothless with any of those brutes. Either he comes with me, or neither of us go," hiccup retaliated, leaving little room for an agreement.
Stoick, obviously enraged by this, looked to the person on his right, Astrid, "fine. Then she comes with it too. A second for each chief."
"That's where we differ," hiccup mounted toothless, the clicking of metal as he put his foot in place, "you have been named a chief of a group of Vikings. I've been named a king of all of dragon kind."
They leaped over the crowd, attempting to take flight, but made a hard tumble to the ground. They immediately got back on their feet, and Hiccup looked back and to the tail. It was ripped, snapped, and torn from the ropes they had caught them with. "Tch," he growled, "come on toothless." And they went by foot the rest of the way.
Astrid and Stoick walked into the grand hall, closing the door and locking it to prevent any sudden disruptions. Toothless and hiccup on the other hand we're looking around, or, it seemed hiccup was mostly. He had the dragon book in his hand, reading through it again. He had ink and feather, rewriting chapters as he waited for them. The only thing that seemed to stay similar about him, You couldn't keep him from writing.
"What do you think you're doing?" Astrid asked, walking faster up towards hiccup.
He didn't look up from the book as he made some sort of hand signal and toothless jumped up in front, a blast charging in its throat.
"Hiccup," Stoick tried to get control of his son.
"Stoick," he didn't back down, but the book went back on the table and the ink and feather into a pack on toothless, and he pet him. Toothless backed off and rubbed into him.
There was silence before hiccup looked up, "I need my dragons back. All of them."
"To let you attack again?" Astrid interrupted, Stoick put a hand on her shoulder and she backed off.
Hiccup glared at her before looking at the chief, "We'll leave, I'll take all the wild dragons from the island too."
"And how are you going to get them to leave? They are called wild dragons for a reason," Stoick went on, "and you were gone for years hiccup I'm not just going to let you leave."
"I didn't plan on you letting me. And I train dragons, everyone that was here tonight was mine. And I plan on having each dragon back."
"I'm sure we killed a few, we're Vikings it's what we do."
"Then I'll do what us dragons do and kill a few of you."
"Us? Hiccup you are not one of them, you are a Viking-your the heir to this tribe! Start acting-"
Hiccup slammed his hands on the table, "I am no heir or son of yours! I have been living with them for the past years and learning and studying them. Your books are wrong your stories are wrong the ones you are training, are all wrong!"
Stoick went silent as hiccup continued.
"I will be getting my dragons back. And I will be leaving this island with the wild ones on it. I'm going to need a place to stay. Fix toothless's tail and away from the rest of you, any places in mind," hiccup demanded more than asked.
Stoick came to a blank, but Astrid spoke up, "the only place we have safe enough for dragons...and people, is the dragon-killing stadium."
"Perfect. I'll remember to get rid of it before I leave. With all that sorted out-"
"Not so fast. You have to make sure the dragons don't attack us or destroy anything," Stoick interrupted, making sure he got his side of the deal.
"Fine. I can do that, but that means you have to let go of my dragons, they'll fight back if you keep them locked up," hiccup responded, looking to toothless, who growled, to prove his point.
Stoick sighed, "why don't we figure that out later. Astrid, take him to the dragon ring."
"No problem chief," Astrid nodded, looking to hiccup with a grim look as he mounted toothless.
He gave toothless scratches behind the ear, and looked to Astrid, he held himself much different than the years before. His shoulders were straight and head up, looking down at everyone. He held things she thought he'd never have; purpose, dignity, leadership.
She turned and motioned for them to follow, and they did. out of the hall and through the village, people stared in both awe and fear. Two blonde-headed brutes came up and next to Astrid on either side.
"so who is the dragon dude?" asked the one that could have been a girl.
"yeah like...he's super cool how do we make dragons listen to us?" said the other, that could have been a guy.
Astrid shook her head with a long eye roll, "none of your concern."
"uh, it so is," a third voice came through. a buffer one, but not bright, "a dragon said to be the king of dragons turns out to be a dragon and some dude? and people are saying it's hiccup? everyone knows he's dead. It's been forever."
Astrid seemed to be over them being annoying and just pushed past all of them, toothless and hiccup doing the same.
"come on Astrid," Fishlegs came in, hunched over to try and seem smaller, "the whole town is asking questions."
"then tell all of them to wait, and bring these idiots to the dragon ring, because I doubt they will leave me alone otherwise," She finally responded.
hiccup looked at the four familiar faces, he could put names to all of them but he didn't say anything. He could feel toothless was nervous, he bent down slightly, softly saying, "it's going to be ok bud. we're almost out of the crowd."
toothless let out a snort and shook his head lightly, relaxing a bit as hiccup sat back up, giving his dragon a head pat.
they reached the dragon arena, a few in cages there already, but not a problem for hiccup. But the small group of Vikings never ceased to follow them, still asking Astrid questions.
"where'd he come from?"
"why isn't he killing us?"
"is that a night fury?"
"so who is the dragon king the boy or the dragon?"
"Why aren't we killing him?"
"enough!" Astrid yelled, "will you just shut up for five minutes for us to explain?!"
everyone went quiet to listen in, looking between Astrid and the dragon king respectively.
"This is hiccup and his dragon. if you all just looked and listened when we were on the hilltop you would have known that!" Astrid explained to the best of her anger-issued abilities.
the blonde possibly boy was the first to interrupt, "wait, the really cool dragon king dude that has an entire dragon hiccup? the small boy who somehow became good at incapacitating dragons but disappeared mysteriously before he got to the final exam of killing a dragon?"
"exactly," Astrid confirmed.
"wait, wait, wait, tuffnut is right? that cool person who trained a night fury, is hiccup," the buffer one scoffed, "I don't believe you."
"you don't have to, you can believe him though," Astrid looked to him expectantly.
he looked back and to the others, he sighed and got off toothless but stayed right next to him, "yes, Snotlout, I'm hiccup. and that's Ruffnut and Tuffnut the chaotic twins, Fishlegs the only other bookworm, and you, the idiot who doesn't believe anyone. If you really need proof."
Snotlout stood shocked for a moment before crossing his arms, "h-hiccup wouldn't have said that to me he's too scared."
"yeah well, that was before I laid siege on places like berk and lived with beings that understand me," hiccup mocked.
"well if it's really you," Fishlegs asked, "where have you been all these years?"
"here and there. around the archipelago and further," hiccup explained vaguely, "but I don't have time to tell you all an entire life story. I need to be up early to fix toothless' tail. so if you all don't mind leaving."
"You named a dragon toothless? That's lame. Does it really have no-" snotlout soon regretted his insult as the night fury growled. Toothless' teeth sprouting from his gums. Snotlout backed off
Fishlegs was the first to go, not wanting to argue or watch someone be mauled. the twins were close behind, finding it boring that he was just going to sleep. Snotlout and Astrid however didn't move. Hiccup didn't care to notice until he finished pulling out the things from the satchel attached to toothless' saddle.
"That means both of you too, sleeping really isn't that interesting," hiccup tried to somewhat encourage them to leave too.
"I'm not trusting you and your dragon to stay here together. I know you're going to try and destroy berk," Snotlout retaliated.
Astrid hit the idiot on the back of the helmet, "just leave, Snotlout, no one wants you here."
"I don't want you here either Astrid," Hiccup added, but no one listened, so He stopped paying attention.
"fine," Snotlout huffed, "whatever." and he left, storming off like a child.
Astrid continued to watch hiccup and toothless. Hiccup tossed a fish up in the air and toothless caught it, hiccup praising him for the good catch. He, himself took a drink of something from a bottle, before putting it back in the satchel and began to detach the saddle. he took a few minutes unclipping hooks and undoing buckles, going all the way to the tail where he removed the destroyed half of it. he seemed to examine the damage before discarding it completely. he got up and stroked toothless' back to make the glowing spikes close back together and go back to their normal shade of black. They seemed to be communicating without hiccup saying a word, going through a routine. as hiccup put the saddle aside toothless scorched the stone below him as he laid down. hiccup then came over and leaned against him, and that's when it was interrupted by Astrid's stares.
"I thought I told you to leave," hiccup scowled, toothless putting his word in too.
"right...fine. you know there are going to be hooligan posts out here to watch you right?" Astrid asked, turning to leave.
he scoffed, "yeah. of course, I know. none of you Vikings trust dragons."
Astrid shook her head and left, closing the gate behind her. This was certainly going to be a bumpy ride.

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