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It has been 6 years since the tragic accident. 6 years since Ashley had come back into my life for good.
The following year, we got married. It was amazing. I didn't know what to expect but all I knew was that I wanted Ashley in my life forever. A fast-paced two years later, we had twins (a boy and a girl) that resembled Ashley and I perfectly. The girls' name was Jessica. She had straight blonde hair like me. The boys' name was Joshua. He had the same blonde curls as his mother. The two kids became best friends. Soon enough we were going to have to tell them our stories. Whether it was how we won the Stanley cup or about my injury.
A few years later, Jessica came up and asked me why I had a huge scar on my neck.
"Daddy, why is this thing on your neck?" She asked pointing to my scar.
"Yeah." Josh said as he came running in from the backyard of our large house in Denver. "And what are these pictures that you are in about?" He said carrying the pictures of the team holding the Stanley Cup.
I looked over at Ashley, asking with my eyes, if they were ready to know. She nodded, yes.
I knew that I could do anything as long as Ashley was with me in the city of champions. Over this journey, I learned a valuable thing. Life is good. I don't intend to change that.

The End of Regulation (A Gabriel Landeskog fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now