Chapter 13

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I was still so overwhelmed by the previous night. It seemed surreal. Sometimes daydreams about the wedding engulf me until Ashley snaps me out of it.
Each time I go to practice, my neck feels so much better than the last practice. By the time July 30th came, I was able to do everything I could before the accident. On the morning of the Stanley Cup final, Ashley made me aware that I was shaking when I woke up.
"Gabe are you ok?" She asked, worried.
"I'm fine." I responded flatly.
"No you're not fine. What's wrong?" Ash asked as she came to lay down next to me and hold my hand.
"I'm just so nervous for tonight. I-I know that we'll let all of our fans down, let the team down." I told her.
"Gabe are-are you talking about the team or yourself?" Ashley seemed to see right through me, like glass.
"I-I guess I'm talking about both." I told her the truth.
"Gabe... Even if you guys don't win the cup, you want let the audience down. You won't be letting anyone down. They'll know that you have put your heart and soul into this." This is why I live her.
"Thank you, Ash. For everything."
Before she could respond, she was fast asleep.
A few hours passed and then we had to leave to the game. "Ashley, if-when we win the cup, I want you to be on the ice with me."
"Of course I will."
"Ok." I whispered, partly to myself.
I walked into the locker room, in a rush to get my gear on.
"Hey captain slow down. Why are you in such a rush?" Someone, who I thought was to be Jamie Mcginn, yelled at me from across the locker room.
"I dont know just eager to get out there." I half lied. It was partly the truth- I did want to go out and play, but I was also sick and tired of waiting for this moment and I wanted it to be over.

The End of Regulation (A Gabriel Landeskog fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now