Chapter 14

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"Pass!" I yelled to my line mate, Ryan O'Reilly, to pass me the puck. It was still scoreless halfway through the second period. Not anymore.
I had a breakaway chance to make the game 1-0.
"Ping!" Goddamnit it hit the pole! Luckily Nathan was there for the rebound and it went top shelf!
The horns went off and the audience began to cheer with the pom-poms in their hands. Nathan jumped into the glass, obviously excited, and I came to join him.
About 3 minutes later Nashville responded to our goal and tied the game 1-1.
We went back into the locker room when the period was over and took our gear off.
Coach Roy called everyone to gather around the table in the middle.
"Great job on that goal out there boys. But look what happened on that line-change. You let them get a goal to tie the game. You can't let this lead slip away. So I want you guys to go out there and play as hard defensively as you did offensively. Alright?"
Everyone nodded there heads yes. We put our gear back on and waited until the announcer called us out on to the ice.
The game started and we were playing exactly how coach wanted us to. There was just one thing that was keeping us from scoring goals. Their goaltender. He was blocking all of our shots. But when we let the puck slip away from us, Varly stops it from entering the net.
I was just walking onto the bench when I heard the horns go off. Alex Tanguay was skating to the bench with the other players trailing behind him.
Luckily the other team didn't respond well enough to our goal. Instead we got 2 more, to make the game 4-1.
There was only thirty seconds left in regulation. The audience was counting down the seconds as loud as they could.
"13! 12! 11!" Only two seconds left until we win the cup!
"Ladies and Gentlemen, meet your Stanley Cup Champions!!!" The announcer yelled.
The whole team came and jumped on eachother, creating a huge pile. I couldn't stop the tears of joy from flooding from my eyes. The wives and girlfriends of the players and staff came down to the ice.
I searched for Ashley but couldn't fond her. Up until I felt someone hugging me from behind.
"Congratulations!" She yelled in my ear above the cheers from the audience. "I couldn't of done it without you!" I yelled in hers. "I'll be right back." I said.
"Gabe where are you going?" She asked, curious.
"You'll see." I responded.
I skated over to the referee and asked for the puck that was used during the game. He gave it to me and I then skated over to a little girl standing behind the glass. I pointed at her with the puck and she nodded. I smiled and threw the puck over the glass in her direction. Someone, who must have been her father, grabbed above her and handed it to her. He probably thought she wouldn't catch it and the puck would fall on her face. I waved goodbye and skated back over to Ashley and everyone else.
The handshake line had begun and I got in line after Matt. When the line ended, a red carpet was placed over the ice and a stand with the NHL logo was at the end.
Some men, dressed very formally, brought out the Conn Smythe trophy and set it on the table.
One of the men said: "The Conn Smythe Trophy is given to the most valuable player in the playoffs. I am proud to present this to the captain- Gabriel Landeskog." I didn't think I would be awarded the trophy. I skated up and got handed the trophy. I smiled for the camera and then handed it off to one of the formally dressed men.
That's when the Stanley Cup was being brought out.
"I am pleased to present the Stanley Cup to the Captain of the Champions: Gabriel Landeskog." I skated up to grab the cup and smiled, once again, for the camera. Once the picture was taken I hoisted the cup into the air and the audience began cheering. I soon handed off the cup to one of the assistant captains: Jarome Iginla.
When everyone had a change to raise the cup, we skated back into the locker room. Everyone wad cheering and taking gear off. Once my gear was off Ashley came in and I lifted her into my arms and kissed her passionately.
"Get a room!" My teammates yelled at us.
"This is a room!" Ashley yelled in between kisses. When we stopped Ashley said "I'll see you later." and went out to the players bench.
I took a shower and got dressed.
"Hey Landy are you coming out with us to celebrate?" Jarome called from across the locker room.
"Yeah. Give me a second."
I walked out to get Ashley from the bench.
"Hey do you want to come with us to celebrate?" I asked as I sat down next to her.
We all went to a bar next to the Pepsi center. I had a few drinks and so did Ashley. Her phone began to ring and she went outside to answer it. When she came back inside, she had tears in her eyes.
"Ash what's wrong?"
"It-its my father. He had a heart attack and he's in the hospital right now."
"Oh my god."

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