Chapter 4

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We took the ice while the audience was chanting "Go Avs Go! Go Avs Go!" on and on until the game started. The exact moment it began, the audience quieted down. It was nerve racking knowing that the fans are counting on us to do our best in this game and win the cup.
I was in the starting line up so I took the ice for the National Anthem.
When it was over, the game began and it was a very physical game. It was physical before the game even started.
"Pass! Pass!" I heard Ryan say up the ice in the Predators' territory. I passed the puck and he got a breakaway goal to give us a 1-0 lead.
In the start of the second period, Nashville responded to our early goal and tied it up 1-1. I later scored two goals with the help of Matt and Tyson. I knew that this was my chance. My chance to get a hat trick, possibly while winning the Stanley cup, too.
"Give me the puck Nate! Give me the puck!" I yelled at my teammate in which he responded. The pass up ice left me on a 1 on 1 with Filip Forsberg. I swiveled around him and passed the puck to my line mate, Erik Johnson. He passed it back to me and I noticed that the goaltender was confused and I shot the puck top shelf in the net!
I heard the audience cheering and saw hats making there way to the ice. I skated as fast as I could to the glass and jumped into it showing my excitement at accomplishing this achievement.

Later in the third period, I began making my way to the other goaltender faster than I ever have before. That's when I saw him and his gigantic build. I only had a millisecond to notice this before I saw John Mitchell get hit and I tripped over him. But before I fell to the ground, I felt something sharp enter my neck and saw blood falling to the ice. That was when I hit the ground and became unconscious.
The next thing I knew, I was in an ambulance on my way to a hospital. I was put on a stretcher and got pushed to the ER. Or was I already on a stretcher? I didn't know and didn't care. I couldn't feel anything other than my brain telling me to calm down and stop shaking.
I had lost track of time while the doctors worked on putting the IV in me and checking my heart rate and all that. It had felt like an hour later when something was injected into me and I was sent to the darkest depths of my mind.
It was a hot summer day when I was at the pool with my friend Josh. I wasn't very into swimming until that day someone entered my life and never left it- not really. I was standing at the vending machine paying for some ice cream to cool me down, when I saw a beautiful girl walk into the gates wearing a tank top and shorts on. She was probably the most beautiful person I had seen in my entire life. That was when it all started. I saw her a few more times after that when I started up a conversation with her at the pool one day.
"Ah, hi." I said to her nervously.
"Hi!" she responded. "Aren't you Gabe Landeskog?"
"Yes I am! And who might you be?"
"I'm Ashley."
"Nice to meet you Ashley."
"You too Mr. Landeskog."
"Please, call me Gabe." I insisted.
"Nice to meet you Gabe." She said with a wink.
That moment was where it all started.
It was only a few months later when I worked up the nerve to ask her out.
A couple years later, she went to college to pursue her dream of being an equine scientist. We decided to break up because we knew that the long distance thing wouldn't work out.
I had felt well rested and relaxed when I was conscious again. I felt someone say my name and my eyes immediately opened up to face the eyes of the girl I haven't seen since 2012.

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