Ally sighed again, "Well I'm hurt first of all, we were about to kiss and she pulled away. But it wasn't the fact that she pulled away but it was the way she gave a disappointed look at me and just left like she regretted even being with me. I mean I know I'm not as pretty as the other girls she talk-"

"Okay that is where you stop cause the whole 'I'm not all that' drama is my fort. And who said you weren't pretty? Bitch I drool over you and Mani almost everytime you wear those sexy ass bodysuits you own or even in your silk jammies," Tori furrowed her brows.

"She's right, Allycat. Don't ever say that you are less attractive than the others. Hell, you ooze sex appeal and confidence whenever you walk down the hall so it's definitely not the reason why she probably left." Normani assured.

Ally smiled, "Y'all are the best."

The two girls flipped their hair.

"And as for Lauren, she's probably confused or something. She'd be stupid to let a gem like you go like that," Tori added.

"I don't know guys, I mean, I know I like her but at the same time. . . I kinda like someone else too," Ally bit her lip, scared of how they'd react.

"Someone else? Do I know them?" Normani asked, jealousy laced in her voice.

"No, it's not Dinah if that's what you're thinking," Ally laughed, "It's someone I met before I transfered here, her name's also. . . Lauren and she has um. . ." She trailed off, not knowing how to explain her situation after.

"She has what? A dick? A mental issue? An obsession with you?" Tori asked, sitting up in excitement.

"Really? A dick?" Normani laughed. "Have you been read fanfictions again?"

"Yeah, it's possible Mani. Ever heard of intersex?" Tori said sassily. "And no, I don't read fanfictions."

"No no it's not a . . . a dick. It's just her eyes, she has green eyes that are much like Lauren's as well," Ally said, catching the two off guard.

"Wait what?" Tori asked, "Are you sure you aren't talking about Jagooey?"

"Yes I'm sure because this Lauren is much more different. . .okay maybe they do share same traits here and there but," Ally stopped, she herself was confused as well.

"Let me get this straight," Normani started.

"Uhm none of us are exactly straight here," Tori gave her a 'wtf' look, to which Normani just ignored.

"You like two women who are both named Lauren who also has the same green eyes and traits?" Normani furthered, "It makes sense but also not."

Ally groaned, she fell back on her bed and pulled her pillow over her head to muffled her frustrated scream.

Tori watched in amusement, "There has to be atleast one major difference."

Ally perked up, she threw her pillow at Tori. "There is actually, and it's really really major."

Normani raised her brow in curiosity, "Go on."

"Just don't laugh at me or judge me ok? If you do, we will definitely end up in a situation the same as the one I have with Lauren," Ally pointed at them.

"She has a dick doesn't she," Tori wiggled her brows.

"No!" Ally took another pillow and threw it at the girl.

"Then what?!" Tori exclaimed as she caught the pillow.

"She's a vampire," Ally said, Tori fell off the bed and Normani stared at her.

•Under The Moonlight• [ALREN] Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora