8. A Dance Or Two

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Kara couldn't help but gush to herself as she coos and awes at the adorableness in front of her. Loyal to her hopeless-romantic status, she already started picturing the pair in front of her as a couple, and to say they looked cute in her imaginations' scenarios would be an understatement.

She is aware that Cyra is not looking for anything serious at that current moment and she couldn't blame her friend considering what had happened to her in her last relationship. But come to think about it, it doesn't have to be something serious between her and Adam, their body language radiates sexual frustration more so than anything else and they both were notably either too proud or too dumb to acknowledge it, yet. Though anyone within a close distance from the two and with one prolonged look at them would see it.

It can be a short-lived romance if necessary. The stubborn woman thought to herself; too deep inside her observation bubble by now to care about sounding or coming off creepy. God knows Cyra needs the temporary distraction...

And it was true. Cyra did need some sort of diversion in her life. She cannot possibly stay in her lonesome bubble for much longer, as the damages would be much harder for her to repair once she decides to get herself out there again. Kara knew all of this, hence her interference. She knew her friend was equally as stubborn as herself, if not more. It does take one to know one after all. So she knew almost for a fact that Cyra wouldn't budge without a soft urging nudge from her friend. And kara was damn good at nudging and urging.

Anyhow, she decided by then that she had stalked and lurked in the shadows enough now, she got what she was looking for, and so it was time to enjoy the party. She was bummed that Mason couldn't make it tonight; he would've been gushing over Adam and Cyra's possible link and making funny jokes about their future babies' looks, or maybe he would have been making a fool out of himself by showcasing his unfortunate dancing skills - or lack thereof, that makes her wonder how on earth she's still dating him, but she knows why. In all seriousness, she hasn't been as happy with anyone else other than Mason, and that speaks volumes about how happy he makes her. She finds herself wishing for the same happiness upon Cyra, god knows she deserves it.

Once in the kitchen for some water, Kara's mind wandered back towards her boyfriend's whereabouts. Mason took his job seriously. he was respectful and could never say no to his boss whenever he would ask him for favors, especially whenever he needed him to stay longer at the arena. That was something she had always admired about her man, how responsible and respectful he was regardless of how reckless he might look. He was the perfect combination set and she couldn't love him anymore for it. That said, it still managed to get to her in times like these, when she was forced to feel that he might be a little too loyal to his job. Nonetheless, she didn't let that notion discourage her as she gulped down the rest of the delicious infused fruity water that she and Cyra had prepared last minute, and strutted back to the middle of the room, feeling the beat enticing her as she let it take control of her voluptuous body.

However, a sudden churn in her guts hits her stomach, eliciting a frown from her face as she makes a beeline straight to the bathroom. I better not be having my period in the middle of a fucking party...

A sexy slow song came on, and Adam took it as a sign to approach Cyra again who had wandered off after parting with him for a bathroom break, this time he felt himself boss up enough to ask for a dance.

The middle area of the living room was already cleared out, with no couch insight which was undoubtedly for the sake of creating some space for a dancing area. He finishes the fruity drink he had in his hand, he didn't need to search for her as his eyes never left her in the first place.

However, much to his dismay, a guy that seemed to have appeared out of nowhere already beat him to it, taking her accepting hand in his as he guided her towards the dancing bodies in the middle. Away from Adam and his slow overthinking steps.

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