"And you realised that you could have just used a levitating charm , and then you fell to the floor just to prove you are both bloody fools", Amaya completed, lips curling a bit further as the tips of Regulus' ears reddened.

"Well , it was a spur-of-the-moment thing , you know ? And it's good to not rely on magic all the time", Barty protested , just as the two friends scrambled off each other , hurryingly standing up to brush down their trousers. Regulus spluttered an apology as he began pushing Barty out of the living room , his eyes briefly meeting with Amaya's before drawing away almost immediately.

"What's with him ?", The Slytherin girl questioned , connecting her sunset stare with that of Narcissa's silver irises , fragments of hazel glistening within the pupil by the light of the shattering , burning flames. 

 The fire crackled in the fireplace , ashen embers alight - and the older girl only shrugged in response , before her eyes fell to the emerald-engraved ring resting against her ring finger , and she smiled absently.

 Her marriage was slated to occur after six months , and Cissa would be in an air bubble of sorts till then.  Often , Amaya had an intense urge to question if Narcissa ever had any dreams of her own , any ambitions that went incomplete due to her engagement. But when she caught the older girl smiling to herself , humming lightly - she did not know whether she should ask the question. Growing up in a supremacist environment had instilled strict values upon all it's members - and early marriage was a common one of them , the community of purebloods being significantly smaller. Perhaps , all Narcissa wished for was to settle into a powerful and wealthy household , and have a stable future.  A short smile , an absent look and a misplaced blush - Amaya knew that Narcissa really loved Lucius. She could only hope that she had a happy and content future , without any regrets of the past.

"Lucius is coming by tomorrow", Narcissa began , arranging the heart red ribbons neatly around the branches of the pine tree with a flick of her wand.

"Make sure to tell me beforehand so I have enough time to hide", Andromeda intruded all of a sudden , walking past them to flop onto an armchair , opening a book on her lap as she immersed herself into the pages.

Cissa rolled her eyes at her sister's statement. "He is not that bad , you know. Deep down , he is a big softie."

"Absolutely. The only thing bad about him is his arrogance. Isn't that right , Andy ?"", Amaya agreed , sarcasm dripping from her tone as she aligned the snow-dusted , smaller christmas trees upon a wooden mantle. Orion and Walburga weren't home , and Andy and Cissa's parents were visiting other relatives - giving them a chance to decorate the mansion a bit without the help of house elves.

"You are forgetting his stubbornness", Added Andromeda , pointedly ignoring Cissa's glare.

"His cynic attitude", Amaya went on , a small smile lighting her features.

"His clean-freak nature."

"His impatience."

"His irritable behaviour towards common occurrences."

"The fact that he looks like a reincarnated peacock in human skin."

"We could go on."

"Oh , shut up both of you", Narcissa dismissed , striding towards the sprawling couches and swiftly picking up the cushion before hurling them towards both Amaya and Andy - both of whom ducked and crawled across the floor , laughter melting into the air. 

Amaya didn't want the moment to come to and end , but alas , luck had never been on her side.


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