Chapter Twenty: There For You

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HELLO! readers and followers of this story so so sorry for the long wait but I promise I think it was worth it. I am really enjoying writing this story but I am very busy and dont get around to writing chapters for this story and for my other story as much as I wish I could. However I really enjoyed writing this chapter for you all. The picture is Shay's Father Robert

xoxo Raii



The next morning I walked into the kitchen to see Shay making coffee. “How was your talk with Bringington School District?” I asked as I grabbed a bagel from the table and started to put cream cheese on it. “They want be to start before the school year ends.” Shay says sitting at the table I look at her as she sips her coffee. “So when do you start work?” I ask before stealing her coffee so I could take a sip. She smiles at me and steals a bite of my bagel before answering my question. “They want me to start today and I couldn’t disagree with them so.” I looked at her and smile “Good for you baby I’m happy for you just better get used to seeing your half-sister she’ll be in your Ap class. Oh did I mention your dad works there too?” I say before getting up from the table to get myself a cup of coffee. “What no you did not tell me this is just great.” Shay says before take getting up. “We’ll I don’t want to be late for work on my first day I’ll see you later.” Shay says before kissing me and leaving the house.

I had no idea what I should do for the day now that Shay is working and I don’t start college till August. I watched cartoons for an hour, did some unpacking and then got bored so I went over to the table and turned on my laptop and looked for events going on around town and there was nothing that caught my eye so I decided to go for a shower and maybe visit my old school before going job hunting and you know maybe sneak a kiss or two from Shay. I took a quick shower and then went an got dressed in my favorite jeans and then put on a tank top. I walked out to my car and got into it and started my way to a school I haven’t been to in what feels like a million years. I drove into the parking lot and parked my car in a visiting parking stop and made my way to the double doors and rang the bell. I heard the buzzer go off meaning the doors where unlocked and I opened them and made my way into the office.

               “As I live and breathe is that Ella Bella?” Mrs. Skarsten says I smile as I walk up and sign the visitors’ log. “Hello Mrs. Skarsten how are you?” I say as I get a visitors nametag from her she comes out and gives me a hug. “It’s so good to see you what brings you to Bringington?” Mrs. Skarsten asks with a smile as she makes her way back to her chair. “Well I graduated and moved back here for college and since I don’t start till August I got a little bored sitting around my house and thought I’d come visit some old friends and teachers and of course my favorite secretary.” I says sticking the tag on my shirt and walking out of the office and making my way to Mr. Porter’s room even though Shay hates him he was one of my favorite teachers while I was here. I knocked on the door and say him look away from his desk and at the door. He waved me into his room “Hello Ella how are you?” He says smiling while his class continues to do the work they were working on. “I’m alright still can’t believe that I will never see my family again but hey I just have to live every day for them and make it the best that I can.” I say “How’s Karen and the twins I saw Jal so I know how she is?” I ask smiling he looks at me and smiles “There good thanks for asking.” I gave him a smile before leaving his room and making my way down the halls.

               I ran into Shay and she gave me a look saying your joking look. “No Way Ella Annabelle when did you get back in town?” Ms. Grega says she’s the Liberian I gave her a hug “I’ve been back a week and I’m just visiting seeing if anything has changed in this place.” I say giving her a hug. “Do you now Shay Porter? She used to work at that school your aunt sent you.” Ms. Grega says smiling I look at Shay and smile “I didn’t realize you transferred here Professor.” I say smiling before looking at my watch to see what time it was. “We’ll I felt like a change was need after my breakup with Ash.” Shay says staring behind me. I turned to see Robert and Jal talking in the hall. He looked up and saw Shay and started to make his way over to her. “Shannon you look good sweetie.” Robert says smiling as he went to grab her hand as if to give it a gentle squeeze. Shay steps away from him “It’s Shay now and don’t you dare touch me.” Shay says before she excuse herself from the group and heads to the front doors. I smile “We’ll it was good seeing you Ms. Grega but I think I’m going to check up on my roommate.” I say before turning and seeing Robert’s eyes kind of stare at me as the words left my lips. I walked straight past Jal and Robert and made my way to the front doors and when I turned toward the office I walked right into someone.

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