"I'll hear all about it once I get home," I looked over his shoulder toward the window. The sun had just barely risen, and though the wind had died, there was still a bit of snow falling.

"You're not going to like it, but I'd feel better if Ryan walked you home," he said. I gave him a look that made him chuckle, glancing down at his half eaten breakfast in front of him. "I know you're fully capable of getting yourself home, even in this. But still. Indulge me."

"You know he'll just use it as an excuse to chase after Alina, right?" I raised an eyebrow, and Ethan laughed a bit harder.

"I know more about what those two get up to than you think," he winked at me and got up from the table. The statement sent a rush through me. Did he hear us last night? We were quiet enough, weren't we? Did he know Albion was in his bedroom with me? Alone. In the middle of the night. Was that really any different than being alone with Albion in his own room during the day? "I'm going to get Ryan out of bed. Let's not let your poor mother worry any longer than she needs to."

"Okay," I nodded, chewing hard on the inside of my lip. I couldn't quite look him in the eye, though I thought I caught him smiling to himself as he disappeared up to the second floor. He returned with both of the boys a short while later, and Albion hesitated before sitting down next to me. He smiled faintly and I reached out and took his hand under the table, squeezing it and returning the smile before letting go. I wanted him to know I meant that kiss, and wasn't just going to pretend it didn't happen the way I had with those two false starts. The gesture seemed to relax him, if only a little.

"Good morning, kids," Ryan smirked, passing behind us to snatch a bagel from the counter before dropping down into the seat across from us at the table. I narrowed my eyes at him. Even if Ethan knew, I didn't want a word out of Ryan about any of it. Especially not here. If he had anything to get out of his system, I just hoped he had the decency to save it for the walk home. "We're not going anywhere until I've eaten, dumbass. I'm sure you're not all that eager to leave, anyway." He purposefully cut his eyes toward Albion, still grinning around a mouth full of bagel.

Neither Albion or I had anything to say in response. I really wasn't all that eager to leave, but I definitely wasn't all that eager to continue sitting with the father and older brother of the boy I kissed last night--both of whom likely knew exactly what went on. A knock at the back door saved the silence from getting any more awkward. Ethan frowned for a moment before stepping into the back room.

"I should have seen this coming," he chuckled. "Come on in."

"She's beside herself, you know," Callum said, stomping the snow off on the straw mat in the back room and stopping in the doorway. He looked at Albion before looking at me, a slow grin spreading across his face. "Your mother wanted me to make sure you're not dead."

"Still alive." I tightened my jaw and looked over at Albion.

"Well, if it isn't Hillbilly Dawson," Ryan grinned, turning a bit on his stool. The smile dropped from Callum's face. "Are you sparing me the odious task of delivering the horrendous monster to her home?"

"It's my odious task today," Callum said, turning to me. I sneered at both of them before turning toward Albion.

"Excellent," Ryan jumped off of his stool. "I'm going across the square."

"I'll stop by tomorrow," I said softly.

"You most certainly are not," Ethan snapped at Ryan. "Get the shovel. Go clear the snow out front."

"Okay," Albion smiled, his eyes downcast. I squeezed his hand. What I really wanted to do was kiss him, but not here. Not in front of everyone.

"I shoveled us out before I came over here," Callum said, shooting Ryan a smug grin. "My house and the Reynolds'."

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