mistaken for love

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" I'm so drawn to you, but am I mistaking my feelings for love? ".


In the streets I walk, I try to find the nearest bar— to avoid the anxiety that rushed through me, to avoid the butterflies that I felt when we kissed.

I'm broken myself.

So, why break another soul? I sighed.

The night had such a soothing wave to my heart, but my hands still remain shaky, and my lungs are filled with the air, that came off with the wind.

There is a nightmare inside of my head.

Words that are so deceiving.

Yet, I felt alive..

By her touch.

Is this how it feels like to move on?

But how could I fall in love all again?

I will hurt her.

I shakily raise the glass to my mouth. The dryness of my throat, makes me lean my head back to take a huge gulp.

"Hey, slow it down". A man's voice echoes.

I avoid the man's voice, but he just sighs. "I'm not here to bother you, but you seem really down".

"So might as well just ask; what's wrong?".

"I'm what's wrong". I remark.

"Whenever I want to heal.. I'm always hurting someone else in return".

"And why do you say that?".

"..Cause I kissed my best friend".

"I've been leading her on. But I just feel weak every time".

"Do you love someone else?". The stranger asks.


"I loved someone else, and m-maybe still do?". I took another sip of my drink in frustration.

"Why not give this a chance instead?". He questions.

I took another drink and watched his eye shift on me and the alcohol. "I'm very unstable".

"I think we all are". He started, "The mindset doesn't always have to be perceived as a negative aspect".

"Trust me". He smiles. "With the right person, it will be easily something to work on".

As my mind went back to Hope, my heart started to beat faster.. but in an exciting way.

Sadly, in a very alerting way.

Penelope crossed my thoughts.

It made me drink even more.

I hate this pain.

"What's your name?". I asked and tried to stand up, clumsily.


"It was n-nice meeting you MG". I started to hiccup, the absolute worst thing that could happen to me— is the same pain that I felt the first day of the breakup, showing up like it's the easiest thing ever.

"Are you okay?". He gently asks.

"N-no". I muttered with a shaky voice, "It hurts".

"What hurts?".

"Falling in love with someone else".

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