Kyū 一 Breakout

Start from the beginning

        "Which is?" [Name] straightened her posture, she was getting a bad feeling about this, but she didn't let it show.

        "I wanted to warn you. If you leave me out to dry tonight, if you think you can get away with it, you're wrong." His tone held malice and any sign of playfulness left his expression. A chill went down [Name]'s spine and she stood up. Her arms crossed intimidatingly over her chest and her voice was snarky.

        "Do you not trust us?"

        "Hell no. Are you kidding me?"

        Itachi stood up and took his place beside [Name], "If you don't trust us, this plan won't work."

        Hidan stayed still, silently observing them both. "Never mind the small shit. I just came here to give you a friendly warning." He said before turning around and leaving. [Name] sighed as she relaxed and sat back down on Itachi's bed. When he noticed how anxious she looked, his hand reached out to comfortingly touch her shoulder.

        "[Name], don't worry about anything. This will happen. We've already got a plan, right?" He smiled at her and she smiled back.

        "Yeah, we've got a plan."

* * *

        [Name] and Itachi had completed all the last minute details and were now waiting in Itachi's room. She couldn't help but to pace, anxiously, back and forth across the floor. She was biting on her bottom lip so hard that it was surprising that she hadn't broken through skin yet. Itachi observed her. She had her hair in a high ponytail, she was clothed from head to feet in black, just like he was, but she was acting like a completely different person.

        His calming voice said her name and she stopped her pacing to look at him.


        "It'll work. I have faith in you. Believe in yourself a little more."

        She laughed, "You'd think with all the talk I handle all the time that I'd be a little better with working under pressure. What if it doesn't work? I'll have a lot of crazy people after me."

        "I wouldn't let them hurt you."

        Her heart practically skipped a beat and she calmly breathed in, held it, then released. When Itachi spoke back up, all her doubt flew out the barred windows.

        "When we get out, I have to tell you something, [Name]." 

        Before she could question him about this something, her newly acquired (stolen) watch beeped to signify that it was time to get started. She turned the alarm off and looked to Itachi, "Looks like it's time to break out of here, Uchiha."

* * *

        Her and Itachi had hurriedly, quietly snuck Sasori, Deidara and Hidan out of their rooms. They hadn't thought about what to do with the straitjackets until they were asked to take them off. Deidara was slightly less dangerous than Hidan, and they definitely needed his bombs for the plan to work, so taking off his straitjacket was a no brainer. They were now in Hidan's room, losing time, while he told them to take his off.

        "I said take this damn thing off me! Dammit bitch!!"

        [Name] clenched her teeth and decided it was now or never and started unbuckling his straitjacket. Unfortunately, as soon as she took it off him, she wasn't quick enough to get away and his hand reached out to smack and grab a handful of her ass.

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