Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"Do you all think he's in denial?" One of them said, eyeing Levi as he slowly faded away in the distance.

"Definitely..then again, how about we watch what Eren does to just win Levi's heart?" Historia said, "True, who knows? He might just capture Levi's heart sooner than we know it!" Hanji grinned in a teasing manner.

"Indeed" Erwin replied, smiling with the others. "We believe in you, Eren!" Hanji said, as the others also cheered for him.

They knew that even though Levi would not believe Eren's feelings for him, one day he will. The brunet would definitely try to win the Raven's heart, after all..He is his crush!


Eren stayed quiet, as he walked home. The message wasn't about him needing to go home at that moment, it was..something else. It was..

"Ooof!" A voice of a child said, as Eren immediately looked at the direction that the sound came from. Only to find a little boy with orange hair, on the ground. Eren put out his hand for the child to take and get up.

The child looked at Eren's hand, holding on and getting up with it. "Thank you so much, kind stranger!" The boy said, smiling at Eren. Eren smiled back, "No problem, just make sure to watch out next time, okay?" The boy nodded and gave Eren a red colored paper, shaped like a heart.

He raised an eyebrow, confused to why the child gave him a paper heart, but he decided to just keep it with him. In all honesty, that lifted Eren's mood.

Eren continued walking back home, sinking in to the peace of his surroundings.

Sooner than he knew it, he arrived home.

The place was clean, and it had a comfortable feeling in the house. "My dear, Welcome home!" His mother greeted, with a smile on her face. Eren smiled back, "Hey mom!" He greeted, as he walked to his room and got changed.

Eren flopped on his bed, thinking about how he could win Levi's heart, while he also did feel like there were people cheering for him-wonder who they could be..


By the next day, while in school..

Some people were lovey dovey with their lovers and all that, they exchanged things at times, which was weird.

Hanji approached Eren, "Hey Eren..!" They said, Eren slowly facing them. "Hey, What's up?" "Nothing, I just wanted to say that you can definitely win your crush, We believe in you!" Hanji said, as they ran away.

Eren smiled, he then noticed Levi from the distance. It is break, but why isn't he eating? Usually he would eat with Hanji and Erwin and maybe some of the others, but it seems that he's just there sitting with them.

Suddenly, Hanji looked at Eren and moved their hands onto a 'x', then acting out eating, and pointing at Levi. Eren puzzled the pieces together and did some mathematics, "Wait..Levi doesn't have any food?" He thought, with no hesitation, planning to give Levi his food.

Surprisingly, Eren remembered Levi's favorite food and that's what he had as his food today. So why not hand it over, He walked over to Levi and made sure his lunch box was clean.

"Hey Levi, I have your favorite can have it. I've eaten already at home, so I'm not hungry." Eren said, also adding in that the lunch box was sanitized. Levi looked at him surprisingly.

"I-" Levi was interrupted. "Enjoy!" Eren said, walking away with a smile on his face. Levi looked at the lunch box, "Did..Did he just give me lunch because I forgot to bring mine and because It's my favorite food?" Levi though, staring at the lunch box.

Hanji grinned in a teasing way, "You should eat it, after all your husba- boyfrie- love- did give it to you..." They said in a teasing tone, making Levi glare at her.

"I..It's not like I asked for it..but..I do owe him a thanks..and be isn't my husband, boyfriend, nor love." Levi said, "Yet." Erwin and Hanji said at the same time, both quietly laughing.

"You too, eyebrows!?" Levi said, Erwin narrowed his eyes. "Well.. I can't help it, soulmates are soulmates-" "He isn't my soulmate!-" Hanji grinned, "-You never know!" They said.

"Never know my ass, I don't like him!" "Only Eren would know- and- YET!" Hanji and Erwin teased again, as Levi ate the food, irritated and slightly blushing out of embarrassment.

After a while, School finally decided to be over. Eren saw Levi and quickly walked over to him. "How was the food?" Eren asked, as Levi looked at the ground.

"It was okay" He said, as Eren raised an eyebrow. "If it was okay, are you okay?" "Yes, now leave me alone." Levi said, looking at Eren.

"Okay, take these tho, bye!" Eren handed Levi roses and chocolates, with a heart note saying "Happy Valentines Day!" And a heart, and then it hit Levi.

It was Valentines day, no wonder lovers were lovey dovey more than usual, but why in hell did Eren get him flowers and chocolates!? But..atleast he also did pack a nice little pack of tea bags..

Levi's heart became a little fluttery, he continued to walk home.

He looked at the rosses and the note once again, he blushed a little and cursed Eren for it.

After a little while..

As Levi was just focusing on the rosses and chocolates that Eren gave him, especially the tea, he heard a sound. "A- oww!" A child said, Levi stayed still, confused.

He can't process everything that's happening today..But what he can process, is that the child accidentally bumped into him. Levi frowned but put out a hand to help the child get up, which the child took and smiled.

"Thank you sir!" The child said, giving Levi a paper heart.

The child smiled again and walked away, Levi felt a little simmered down, proceeding to walk to his destination.

Levi did end up keeping the paper heart, that child probably gave it away because it's Valentines day..


Eren looked at his paper heart, he slightly smiled.


" This paper heart feels like it has some magic to it.. " The two thought to theirselves, as they held their paper heart, they turned it around to find words on it..which was definitely not there before.

' One holds hope so high, the other denies.. ' the words behind the paper heart read.

The two continued to look at it, surprised and curious.

"What..?" They said to theirself, confusion mixing in..


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