Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

The atmosphere was calm and streets were bustling noise, the birds passing by tweet. On the sidewalk, is a raven who's headed to school. As he walks, he focuses only at his own pathway and glare at those who he catches stare or even look at him for longer than a second.

The sidewalk and streets were clean. Which is a good thing for the raven. The birds continue flying pass in groups or maybe in solo adventure. The blue sky and the puffy clouds looked as though it was a beautiful picture of the sky, taken by a photographer.

The raven continued to look right ahead, thinking about the story he had read in his phone.

'The one who owned the golden bracelet finally arrived. But it's the most recent episode- I'll have to wait for the next chapter to be released' He thought, sighing.

Levi cleared his thoughts, the sound of leaves rustling through the wind is all he could focus on in the moment. He didn't mind. He found some sort of silent comfort in them that made him forget any of his inner troubles.

After a few moments of silence, he decided to listen to music before he could arrive. He took his phone out and plugged in his earphones, scrolling through for a song to

After a while, he arrived and walked inside the school entrance, not expecting news that was about to be delivered to him by other students.

A student walked by, stopping once they realized that Levi there.

"Oh- Hey!" They called out to Levi, whos brows furrowed as he turned on his her to face the student.

"What do you want?"

The student seemed to struggle forming something to say.

"I just wanted to tell you something..."

The raven was starting to grow impatient, he couldn't even enjoy his music because he wanted to know what this random person wanted to say.

"There is this one pers...I'm pretty sure I heard- nevermind, but actua-"

He glared at the student, signaling him to hurry up or he might just leave.

The student's panic was evident in his face, he quickly simmered down and said what he needed to.

"I heard someone has a crush on you"

He waited for the raven's reply, but when the other raised a brow as his first reaction, he didn't know what to do.

"Seriously? If you have nothing important to say, then leave."Levi walked away. Fortunately, the student didn't follow him probably afraid they could piss him off.

Relaxing a bit and continuing to head to his classroom, Levi just wanted to be left alone now.

A girl then approached him, "Levi, Hello" She waved towards him.

'Now what...?' He thought, looking her up and down.

"What do you want?" He asked, her eyes widened at his tone.

"I needed to tell you something about a student-" He interrupts her, "What?"

"My friend told me that this dude has a crush on you!" She closer her hands into fists and raised them to her shoulder level, as if she was cheering for someone or it was her way of showing excitement.

Levi looked at her with a weirded out expression and rolled his eyes while walked away.

He proceeded to ignore anyone else who tried bothering him. It's so early in the damn morning, why is everyone ruining it for him?

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