Halloween Party (Special)

Start from the beginning

-Outside Emily's house

Fujin wasn't nervous, he rarely was, and this wasn't one of those times. He just wasn't sure of what to take from all of this. All these thoughts while Lena was banging on a door which opened shortly after and behind it was revealed a young woman. Mid-twenties with long red hair. Same height as Lena. "Lena!" she shouted before they both got into a tight hug for a couple of minutes, Fujin was just standing behind his girlfriend waiting for this to end so he could introduce himself. After some time Emily looked at him and broke the hug with Lena to take a good look at him "Well he is indeed handsome." she looked at the brunette with a grin who blushed slightly. "My name is-" he extended his hand but before he could finish introducing himself she yelled "Fujin!" and pulled him in a tight hug which was more than uncomfortable but he said nothing non the less. "Indeed." he gave a smile at the redhead before she led the couple inside her house. "You can settle in i've made this room for two cause she told me you're sleeping together." Emily opened a door and walked inside said room and Fujin just glared at his girlfriend who grinned at him. "So i will let you settle in and you can find me in the living room once you feel like coming out." Giving a last smile to both of them she then walked out closing the door behind her. "Sorry..." Lena said as she took one of the bags Fujin was carrying to help him. "No need." she was most surprised when she heard that and the best part was that it came along with a smile from the man. "Wot?" she glared at him which didn't faze him at all. "It's good to tell people about your personal life. Friends are good to have and you happen to have some." Fujin took the  bag from her hands and placed it down by a bean bag. Lena blinked infront of him and put her hands on his chest while looking intensely into his eyes "Who are you and what have you done to my Fujin?" she now used both her hands to squeeze his cheeks "I'm just saying that you did good. I only have two friends and with one of them it's been quite a while since i last talked to them. I'm just saying, im glad you have people you can trust." He kissed her forehead before he pulled his gear out of one bag and laid it on the bean bag. Lena was more than confused from this discussion "So you're not mad?" her head tilting slightly to the side "Not at all." he caressed her cheek before giving her a kiss which she didn't really return cause she was still kind of shocked by what has just happened since Fujin had always been really strict to matters like this one.

"So what do we do now?" the samurai asked his girlfriend as he sat down on the edge of the bed. "We..." Lena was still not sure what to do or say "We wait because the party is in a few hours..." Fujin smiled at her before getting up and walking to the door. "Your friend said we should join her in the living room once we are ready, you want to go now?" Lena nodded and he opened the door for her like a true gentleman.

Upon walking in the living room Fujin couldn't help but notice the amount of similarities it shared with Lena's, it was like an exact copy but the main color was red instead of orange. Emily signaled for the two to sit down at the large couch she had right across her and they did. She took a good look at Fujin when his back found the couch "So, how was the trip?" she asked, everything was almost identical to Lena. Even Emily's accent. "Was a'ight luv, short and sweet." The brit answered the redhead looked at Fujin and he was looking back at her like having a staring contest. "Well, don't just look, talk!" she pointed at him. The samurai shook his head "Well what do you want to know?" he leaned forward "Anything, blimey! He isn't a talker huh." As Fujin opened his mouth to talk he was interrupted by his phone which was ringing in his pocket. He pulled it out and took a brief look at who it was "Sorry, i must take this." he gave a smile to both women before he got up and answered the phone while walking somwhat away from them "Yes, Akane?" they heard him say before the rest of the dialogue wasn't audible. "No, he is not a talker." Lena laughed and Emily shook her head "And how did you both end up together, ya seem exact different in my eye." Lena shrugged her shoulders as she smiled at her friend "We kind of are... has its magic y'know." Emily smiled at that. She was glad that her firend found someone to live with and love but she still wasn't convinced he was the right one, Lena had a special place in her heart and she would do anything to keep her protected at all costs. They could see he had a puzzled look on his face like he was trying to remember something before he turned around and continued talking. "And who might Akane be?" Emily raised an eye brow at the brunette "His mother figure. Both his parents were murdered when he was 10." Tracer bit her lip as this was a serious matter. Emily nodded as she realised that things were a little more serious than she thought. Fujin walked again in the room "Sorry about that." He looked at both of them and then his eyes shifted to Lena "Clan matters." she nodded before the redhead talked "Wait clan?" now the samurai looked at the redhead and nodded. "As in the movies?" now her attention was rising rapidily as to who was her best friend dating. The man sat down and slightly shook his head "Kind of." He was starting to warm up to the idea of opening up a little more but not too much, he still had a long way ahead of him. Emily was about to say something else but once she looked at the screen of the phone it was like she saw a ghost. She jumped off her seat and run into the room before calling Lena in there. "Oh shi-" The brunette said as she looked at the time as well "Babe, i need to go.." she said before blinking up "But we still have 5 hours to go." Fujin raised his eye brow as he grimaced "Well, our make up will take quite some time luv. Make y'self at home." Lena gave him a kiss before she dissapeared into the room. The samurai refused to think more about it and just opened the TV to pass his time. 

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